Top Five Friday #70

Hey guys, happy Friday.  This has been one of those weeks for me, when I just feel in a funk.  Anyone else ever get that?  I don't know if it's taper madness or what, but I am so ready for the weekend and holiday (thank goodness for banking holidays!).  Instead of keeping this cloud of gloom around me, I'm going to talk about five things that are making me very happy right now.  I hope you all had a great week and have an even better weekend!

Linking up with MarCynthia and Court 
as well as Heather and Momfessionals

Hairspray Live!

Live musicals on network TV have become pretty popular lately (see- Greece, Sound of Music and Peter Pan).  The latest one has been announced and it's Hairspray!  I'm SO excited, because Hairspray is one of my favorite musicals and movies.  The music is so catchy and the story line is enthralling.  I can't wait to watch it, especially because the cast is made of of some of my favorite actors and singers- from Kristen Chenoweth to Ariana Grande to Jennifer Hudson. CAN'T WAIT.

Trader Joe's Inner Peas

I've been trying so many fun treats at Trader Joe's lately (post coming up on all the pumpkin goodies!) and I am completely obsessed with these.  I'm not really a fan of chips, but these are so satisfying when I just want something a little salty.  I think these would also be great sprinkled on top of salads or dipped into some hummus.  These are super cheap as well (only $1.49 a bag!) so give them a try next time you're at the store!

Fall Fashion

I absolutely love my fall wardrobe- all the sweaters, boots, scarves and cozy layers.  The temperatures finally started to dip this week, so I got to break out a bunch of these clothes.  It's making me so happy, and I especially loved this outfit that I wore earlier this week.  I got the shirt years ago from Stitch Fix (it's a deep purple dolman top similar to this one), the jeans are from the Levi's outlet, the jacket is my favorite faux-leather jacket from Express, and the boots are by Sofft!

My only picture with Suzy- she's the beauty on the right!

If I'm being honest with sharing what's been making me happy this week, Suzy is at the top of that list! If you haven't checked out her blog yet, you're missing out. Not only is this amazing woman crazy fast, she's also one of the funniest people I ever met and her writing is hilarious (seriously..I can't read her blog at work or else I'll bust out laughing and embarrass myself). She's always been supportive of me, and this week has been there for me any time I needed her. Now- go check out her blog before I get too sappy :)

Friday Funny

If this doesn't make you smile, I can't help you.  This has got to be one of the cutest videos ever!


  1. Happy Friday! I'll have to keep my eye on those pea crisps next time I'm at Trade Joe's! I've had other brands and I love them, though I tend to eat a larger portion of the bag than I should each time I open them ha

  2. Ohh I love the inner peas (and cutest name ever!). I've actually never seen Hairspray, but I have a friend who loves it & the live TV performances are really fun. Hope this weekend gets you out of your funk- TGIF :)

    1. Thanks Carly! Check out the movie when you get a good :)

  3. Aww GRETCHY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw my name and my heart started pounding. I'm usually in trouble when that happens! Okay but seriously, I hope your funk has left the building but if not, don't do drugs. Just pour yourself a glass of wine, smoke a J and watch some Grey's Anatomy.

  4. Aww, I hope you come out of your funk! Have a great weekend. I haven't pulled my Fall clothes out yet but am gonna shop for some this weekend!

  5. I love adding new TJ's items to my lists for when I go to the US. TBH, I just love everything there.

    I also just ADORE Suzy. I was bummed I couldn't make it to SeaWheeze this year because I really wanted to meet up with her.

    1. What a bummer! Hope you get to meet her soon..she's the best

  6. That fall outfit is SO CUTE! I am off to check out Suzy's blog!

  7. I've been re-building my fall wardrobe- 2 babies in 3 years will do that to you/some of my clothes are no longer mom-friendly - and I am using you as inspiration!

    1. Aw thanks Morgan! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  8. Those inner peas from TJ's are SO good. But they're dangerous, I could seriously eat the whole bag in one sitting! I hate weeks when I feel like I'm in a funk...hope next week is better for you!


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