Towpath Half Marathon Training : Week 6

I did it- made it through another training cycle!  This one was a little shorter than normal, but I'm ready to race.  I have a few days of taper and the race is on Sunday.  I can't wait!  Let's take a look at this week in workouts:


Rest Day
I was really tired from my long run the day before as well as all the house work I did, so I took an extra day off!  I did some stretching and a few yoga flows just to get the soreness out, but mostly just snuggled with Selma!


3 miles
Easy three miles on the treadmill to get the day started!  I felt completely recovered from the weekend and my legs felt good again.

Yoga / 45:00
Went to my normal Tuesday yoga class.


Rest Day
Dan and I went to a free concert by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra after work, so I took an extra day off!


3.1 miles / 26:50 / 8:39 pace
This was such a good run!  I didn't really look at my watch at all, but felt so energetic.  It ended up pouring down rain when I had about a mile to go, which probably helped my pace out a lot!

Yoga / 45:00
For some reason, I had no idea that my favorite instructor (Tuesday class) also taught on Thursdays during lunch!  I went and it was a great addition to my routine.  I'll be adding in this class regularly after my race!


2 miles
Just a nice, short, little run before work.


5 miles
Early run in the neighborhood.  Beautiful morning and my legs felt so good!  Didn't have a watch on but my pace felt pretty quick and comfortable.  


7 miles
It was raining off and on all morning, so I got a later start than normal.  It ended up raining a bit during my run but otherwise was perfect running weather!  I kept it nice and easy for my last "long run" before the race.


  1. Love that picture of you & Selma! Great final week of training! Glad it gave you the confidence to know you'll do great in the race. Have fun & good luck!

  2. SO EXCITED for you for this race! I love the pic of you snuggling Selma. AWE. xoxo SO cute.

  3. Good luck and have fun at your race!

  4. Yay for an A+ week! That is so awesome!

    How exciting that the race is so soon! I can't wait to hear how you go! xo


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