Mental Health Helps

Happy Monday everyone!  These are the final few days of NaBloPoMo (seriously, where did the month go?) and today I'm going to be taking one of the official prompts and sharing my thoughts on it.  This was actually the very first prompt that was shared this year, and I've been waiting to share this post since then!

The prompt is:
When you're having a bad day with your mental health, what do you do to help yourself?

Read a Book or Magazine

I'm not someone who reads a ton, even though I really enjoy it.  I like to read on the bus to pass the time, but if I'm at home I feel like I'm wasting time or should be doing something else.  It feels indulgent to me, so whenever I'm feeling down or need a pick-me-up I'll settle in with a good book (usually something trashy and embarrassing) or work on my huge stack of magazines.  Right now I'm subscribed to Outside, Health, Runners World, Glamour and People Magazine (thank you airline miles) and can't seem to keep up.

Cook or Bake

Cooking is something that I do on an everyday basis to stay sane.  After a stressful day at work, all I want to do when I get home is get in the kitchen and spend the next hour or two cooking a meal.  It's therapeutic to me to chop vegetables, saute or stir something on the stove, and plate it up for Dan and me to enjoy over a glass of wine.  On Sundays, I'll plan out a few new recipes that I want to try and pick up all the ingredients.  That way, as soon as I get home, I don't have to think about what to make or stress about anything- just get in the kitchen and cook!  I usually share what I'm making on Snapchat, so follow along at gretchxo if you need some dinner ideas!

Go for a Run or Walk

I'm not a doctor or psychologist, but I know that I always feel better after I go for a run.  Things happen in the brain and send happy signals throughout your body, but all that matters to me is that I go for a run and return in a better mood!  Sometimes a run isn't possible (like in the middle of a work day), but just getting up and going for a short walk, even if it's to the coffee maker, helps me feel better.  

Watch an Old Favorite

Everyone has that old guilty-pleasure show or movie (I told you mine- America's Next Top Model!), and anytime I'm in a funk I'll zone out on the show.  Sure, this isn't the most healthy way to deal with stress or anxiety, but sometimes it's exactly what I need!  Other good choices for me are Gilmore Girls, Friends, Modern Family, Top Chef, The Holiday, and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Do Some Yoga

When I say yoga, I don't mean something really intense like hot yoga.  While that might be great for some people, when I'm down I just need some relaxing, meditative yoga.  I'll just go onto youtube and search for "yoga for stress" or "yoga and meditation" and click on whatever video is calling to me.  30-40 minutes later and I'm feeling much better about life.

Make Your Own Spa Day

To be honest, I'm not really a bath person.  Being in a bath stresses me out and grosses me out at the same time, so I don't really take them (except after a really hard run when I soak in epsom salts!).  However, baths can be extremely therapeutic for most people.  Light a candle, drink some wine, and put on some relaxing music and you're sure to feel calm soon!  But, for bath haters like me, doing other spa-like things can include putting on a face mask, luxurious hair mask, big fluffy robe, fancy body oils, lighting candles and pouring a glass of wine.  This is best combined with reading magazines for the ultimate relaxation!

Your turn- what do you do when you're having a bad day?
Are you someone who needs to talk out their problems?  I'm definitely not!  I need some time alone to digest, then I'm fine.

linking up with Amanda


  1. Get or give a hug. That honestly is one of the best things. Cry. Let it out. Tell someone that you aren't having a good day. Often, they can just help by being there.

  2. Anything that makes me laugh just works and always gets me out of a sad or bad moood.

  3. This was so great. Everything except the cooking/baking part helps me! I haaaaate cooking. I'm not a big fan of baths, either. I love the movie The Holiday! One of my faves.

  4. For me it depends on what the problem is, sometimes I need to talk about it other times I just need to be alone and have time to cook a good supper, have a hot shower and put myself to bed early!

  5. If I don't tell someone what's bugging me, I will basically implode. So I usually send a friend or my mom a massive venting text or give someone a call. Other than that, basically everything you said. :)

  6. When I'm having a bad day I find I need to either get out and go for a walk to clear my head - or spend time with the ones I love. Even better if I can get out and go for a walk with a friend :P

  7. Some fantastic tips right here, doll! I may make a spa day ----- SOON!:)

  8. Very similar things for me. Though I know I need to usually talk to someone/vent or else whatever I'm feeling will grow and grow inside me and get worse. Walks outside are probably my best medicine. Or taking myself to my favorite recipe and eating really good food. And I don't think zoning out to some trashy TV is bad at all... in fact I think thats one of the most compassionate soul foods there is. Gilmore girls, how to lose a guy in 10 days, Friends, or some other cheesy chick flick always help me. :)

  9. oh my gosh i can't believe you hate baths! i get it though. i LOVE them. i would take one every day, and did when we lived in the house, but where we are living right now, no bath. very sad kristen. essential to my sanity and happiness and need to have a bath in my next house lol


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