Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 3

Happy Holidays everyone!  I'm just stopping by quickly today to share my training last week.  It was another great week of workouts and I'm really happy with how my training is going so far.  I had one little hiccup where my leg started to bother me, but luckily it only hurts when I'm resting and not when I run.  I'll keep an eye on it!  

Otherwise, this was a great week and I'm looking forward to a bit of a cut-back week and relaxing.  I hope you all have a great week!


3 miles / 28:45 / 9:35 pace
I took this run really slowly.  My legs felt a bit heavy and tired, so I didn't push it at all.  I also felt a little twinge in my left quad / inner thigh area so I didn't want to hurt myself.


Rest Day!
My leg was sore in the same spot when I woke up, so I decided to take a rest day and hope that it doesn't get worse.  I still did my core workout and the yoga video for the day!


5 miles / 44:45 / 8:56 pace
I still felt a little soreness in my leg, so I decided to see how my warm-up went and then either stop if it hurt or continue on if it felt fine.  As soon as I started to run, my leg loosened up and felt good as new!  For my workout, I was supposed to do 3 miles at tempo (8:15 pace).  I started a little slow, around 8:25 pace, and each mile sped up a bit to see how my leg felt.  Every time I sped up it felt better and better, and by the end I didn't feel any discomfort at all.


Rest Day!
This is my normal rest day, so I decided to take it and use the day to relax!  I really liked the yoga video for the day, and did my second day of core work.


9 miles / 1:22:51 / 9:12 pace
I had the day off work, so I decided to take my long run on a Friday just like last week.  It was much warmer out (about 34 degrees) and I did a similar route as last week.  I added on another challenging hill to make this a tough,hilly long run.  My pace felt comfortable the entire time, and it felt great to only have to run in a vest and long sleeve!  

I was really happy with my overall pace!  The first half of the run was pretty much all hills, and the second half was all sub 9:00 miles.  Here's a look at my stats for the run:


Rest Day!
My third rest day of the week!  It felt good to take time off, and I was happy to see that today's yoga video was mostly just stretches for the hips.  It felt great after yesterday's long run!  Selma was my yoga buddy today :)


4 miles (un-timed)
For the past few years, I've made it a tradition to run on Christmas Day.  I kept it up this year with an easy 4 miles around my neighborhood.  It was the perfect temperature out and I felt great on this run!

Do you like to run during the holidays?
Any weird injuries/pains lately?  


  1. I love running during the holidays. To me, it is the perfect gift to give yourself! I had a few weird aches in my feet yesterday. I think it is just life ;D

    1. That's the perfect way to put it! I hope your feet feel better soon :(

  2. On the holidays, i especially like running hill. It regrets that i have a problem at the knee, so i can't run. :(

  3. That's a great nine miler! I love your white vest. Merry Christmas! Hope you guys had a good one!! xo

  4. Merry Christmas! Very weird--I also took a pic on Monday morning, but mine shows that same section of the trail completely flooded! Maybe it receded by the time you went out?

    1. I think we were on different sections of the trail..this is by the Convention Center. Is that where it was flooded for you too? That would be weird if it was the same place!!

  5. I hope your leg issue ceases quickly! How lucky that it's only when you're resting though! Perhaps your body is just reminding you that you need a break!

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, girl!

    1. Thank you Kristy! I'm feeling better already thankfully!


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