WIAW : Marathon Training

Happy Wednesday!  Today I'll be joining in the What I Ate Wednesday linkup with a look at a day in my life.  My days have pretty much looked the same for the past few weeks and I'm in a really good routine.

I thought it would be interesting (or maybe even helpful) to show what my day of food looks like now that I'm starting to train for a marathon and keeping up a vegan lifestyle.  I feel like I'm eating constantly (or thinking about my next meal), so here's a look at what I ate yesterday:

5:30 - Wake up, take out Selma, get ready for work.  I already have my running clothes laying out along with my bag and lunch packed for work.  I drink some espresso and have a fruit pouch before leaving.

6:15 - Go out for my run.  I have an easy 3-6 miles on my training plan and I end up doing 4.25.  It was a bit cool out but it felt great!

7:15 - Get to work after showering and changing at the gym.  I'm starving on my (very short) walk to the office and start to feel a bit sick.  I'll have to make sure I'm eating more in the morning before leaving.  I make some tea, fill up my water bottle with water, and smear half of an avocado on a piece of bread.  I know I'll be hungry later, so I save the other half.

8:00 - I get some flow diagrams done for a meeting later in the day and get ready for a full day full of meetings!  Around 10:00 I have the other half of my avocado and another piece of bread.  I also fill up my water bottle a few times in the morning to stay hydrated.

12:00 - No yoga for me today, but I grab my lunch in between meetings.  Luckily the majority of my meetings are over Skype so I can eat when I'm not presenting!

2:30 - It's my one and only break of the day, so a few of my coworkers and I head out in a blizzard to Dunkin Donuts.  The Pittsburgh area locations have a promotion going on where you can get 50 cent coffees after the Penguins won.  On Monday night, the Pens won 7-0, which means vanilla coffee for me!  As we walked over, I silently thanked myself for running earlier in the day because it was nasty out!

5:00 - Leave to catch my bus.  It was snowing like crazy, so I'm really happy that I don't have to drive in this weather!  The snow sure is pretty though...

6:00 - Get home and run around in the snow with Selma.  I swear, she used to be a husky in another life because she absolutely LOVES the snow and always goes crazy in it!  I start to make dinner- pasta with sauce (I mixed in the leftover meatless meatballs that I had in the freezer to get in some protein) and a kale salad with cherry tomatoes and nutritional yeast.  Dan and I watch Dexter while we eat.

7:00 - Sit down to write this post!  Luckily all of my pictures have time stamps in my phone so I can remember when everything happened.  I eat some vegan gingerbread cookies which taste AMAZING.

7:30 - Do my 30 Day Yoga Challenge video- Endurance and Ease.  The practice has been getting more challenging this week with some added balancing in, which is my favorite.  Dan joined me, and I got him to do his first wheel!

7:55 - Make some tea and practice on the piano.  Dan and I got an electric keyboard a few months ago and I've been trying to teach myself how to play.  I love learning new instruments so this has been a lot of fun!  I try to play for about 15 minutes a day, and it's a great way to take my mind of work and running and everything else going on in my life.

8:15 - Finish up my tea while I pack up my lunch and bag for the morning.  I have to finish up a presentation, so I log in to work for a bit and end up spending about an hour answering emails and finishing up some slides.

9:30 - Get ready for bed, and read a few chapters of my current book- Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult.  I heard a lot of hype about this book and so far I'm absolutely loving it.  Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors and her books always suck me right in.

10:15 - Take Selma out one last time, take a Sleep Well gummy and go to sleep!

Does your eating change when you're training for a race?
Did it snow like crazy where you are?
Morning or night runner?  I used to only run in the evening, but I love the feeling of having it over with before 7:00!


  1. I love that your DD does that penguins promotion! wish ours did for the islanders although they lost last night so I wouldn't get much of a coffee deal today lol. I definitely eat more when I run more!

    1. They usually do really well in December so I've been getting a lot of coffee lately ;)

  2. You are so on it with your day--marathon training suits you, it seems! We need a Blackhawks promotion like that at coffee shops--ain't never gonna happen if it is based on the bears.

    1. I think so too! I thrive with a schedule and staying busy.

  3. Just went to fill up my water bottle, thanks for helping me be slightly healthier :)

  4. I was really hoping for an adult snow day today, but alas, here I am at work! I totally applaud you for running in the cold - winter finally feels like it's here!

    1. Same for me! I'm surprised you don't get one since the district had a delay today..you would think everyone that works for them would get one!

  5. It's not very snowy here in Denver, but the mornings are cold. Last week, I ran with a friend in 13 degree weather…brrrr!!!

  6. Ooh wow, those city lights would be GLORIOUS to run around in; what a beautiful city you live in to run!

  7. I love seeing what you're up to all day! These posts are so cool. I played the piano when I was a kid, and I really wish we had one here. Whenever I'm nervous or agitated, I play The Entertainer with my fingers on an imaginary keyboard.

    1. that's so funny! that's dan's go-to song on the piano :)

  8. I love seeing what other people eat during the day, it always gives me some good ideas. We got 20-25 cm of snow between Monday night and yesterday afternoon. I would love to learn to play the piano, it's something that's on my bucket list and will eventually make it to the the top of the list one of these days!

  9. I love that vanilla coffee is your celebration. Good to hear the positive review about the Jodi Picoult book. I do love her, and need a new book to cozy up with.

  10. Do you think youll continue to run outside even when its icy/snowy and cold on the regular? That dinner looks lovely! What recipe did you use for the gingerbread cookies they look so good!

    1. I'll run outside as much as possible! The recipe is from Emilie Eats (I linked the recipe in the post!)

  11. How gorgeous is your run view?! You are so much braver than me running out in the cold - and before the sun comes up too!

    It never snows in Sydney and I've NEVER seen real snow - ever! :P

    1. Wow..one year you need to visit a cold place around Christmas time! Snow is so magical :)


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