Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 5

It was back to the real world this week!  I started back to work after a great holiday off, and just like I feared, it affected my running.  Going from sleeping in and running whenever I felt like it to getting up at 5:30 and running before work was not fun!  The weather also took a turn for the freezing, so half of my runs I stayed inside.  It wasn't the best week ever, but it's thankfully over.  I'm also 1/4 of the way done with training, and my "real" marathon training starts this week!

Now let's get into the weekly recap, starting with an overview:


3.13 miles / 30:00 / 9:35 pace
Happy New Year!  This was my final day off work, so I went to North Park with Dan and Selma.  I ran while they walked on the trails, then went to the dog park.  I wanted to do a run by time instead of mileage, which is why I didn't end on a whole mile!

I also continued on my Yoga Revolution this week, and did yoga every evening.  Each video was about 30 minutes long.


Rest day!
It was my first day back at work, so I decided to be nice to myself and take a day off running.  It was a long, tiring day, but I still did my core workout and yoga video in the evening.


3 miles / 26:10 / 8:43 pace
I'm not going to sugar-coat this one...this workout sucked.  I was actually looking forward to this workout from the first time I looked at the training plan- 8x800 at half marathon pace.  I've been crushing my speed workouts and hit my half marathon pace for 2 mile repeats last week, so this should be easy..right?  WRONG!

I did this run on the treadmill since it was icy and cold out, and during my half mile warmup I already started to sweat.  I hit my first two repeats with no problems, then by the third one I started to feel REALLY hot and dizzy.  I'm not sure what happened, because I was drinking water the entire time.  I made it through one more repeat, then decided to stop.  I was feeling like I would fly off the treadmill at any point, so I just jogged a half mile to cool down and left.  Definitely not a good workout, but I know one bad session won't ruin my training.


Rest Day!
Took my normal day off running, and spent the evening with core and yoga.


4 miles / 38:20 / 9:35 pace
I was planning on running outside until I saw that it was in the single digits with a real feel of below zero!  I kept it on the treadmill and felt fantastic.  


9 miles / 1:21:20 / 9:02 pace
It was another cold day, but I had to do this run outside!  I don't have a treadmill at home or a gym by my house, so I had to suck it up.  I won't lie and say that it got better as I ran, because I was still freezing when I finished!  My phone and watch also kept glitching and shutting off, so I was happy to finish this run.  Overall, I felt pretty good though and just wanted the run to be over.


4 miles / 37:20 / 9:20 pace
Just a nice easy run around the neighborhood during halftime of the Steelers game.  It was another cold day, and I took it easy.  Nothing exciting to say about this one!

What do you do after a bad workout?
Did anyone else struggle this week?
What races do you have coming up?


  1. I thought about running on Saturday, but it was just too damn cold. I decided an hour of yoga would be good enough for the day. Nice job getting out there and getting your long run done!

  2. I'm glad you recognized something was up and didn't push yourself to finish. And that you shared the good and the bad of your training with us!

  3. I wonder what happened on Wednesday? Was the gym too hot? Maybe they cranked the heat too high to compensate for the cold outside? Heat can do that to you no matter how much water you drink, right?

  4. Good for you for getting outside to run. Yes, I do believe that once you get started it't not all that bad.

  5. dizzy? on no! I get dizzy sometimes from drinking water too quickly... it's weird, but it happens.

    you had a great week!!

  6. Given the weather, I think you did great! I feel like running longer than 1 hour in the extreme cold is incredibly tough because you really do get colder and end up frozen. So congrats on getting that 9-miler done!


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