Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 12

Well guys, I finally did it- I finished a 20 mile run!  I'll share more below, but this is a huge milestone for me and I'm really proud of myself.  This entire week was really great (thanks to unseasonably warm and clear weather).  I'm feeling better and better about training each week, and I'm getting excited for race day!  There's still 8 weeks to go where a lot can happen, but I'm on the right path.

Here's a look at how my week went:


3 miles
I had the day off for Presidents' Day and it was a beautiful morning, so I took Selma to Riverview for a trail run.  We did a loop of all of my favorite trails, and she did such a great job.  I've never run with her on trails, but she handled them so well!  


Rest Day!


7 miles / 9:44 pace
Hill repeats today! 2 mile warmup, then 6 x 1/4 mile hill repeats. These were HARD and steep (and of course in the picture it looks flat as a pancake), so I wasn't exactly sprinting up ;) I kept moving the entire time, even jogging down the hill, and finished with 2 mile cool down.


Rest Day!


3 miles
Just an easy run around the neighborhood to shake out my legs!  I got a new pair of shoes (Saucony Freedom ISO) to replace the Brooks Pure Flows that I ended up returning, so I was excited to test them out.  I'll share more later, but so far I like them.  Did I mention the weather was AMAZING?  70s, sunny, and gorgeous.


20 miles total :
5 mile warmup / 9:39 pace
15 mile race / 8:57 pace
This was the day I was doing my 20 mile run, and it scared me for a while just seeing it on my schedule.  This has always been a really big mental barrier for me and I've never made it through 20 miles before, so I knew I had to do it in this workout.  It's a little early for my training plan, but I knew that I could do it if I did it in a smart way, with lots of people around.  Since I was running the Spring Thaw race, I decided to do a 5 mile loop around the lake right before the race (which ended up being very wet with a morning shower), had an applesauce squeeze packet, then ran the 15 mile race.  Luckily I made it to the start just in time to get a picture with a few other Pittsburgh bloggers (Joanna, Ciara, Jennifer, and Chelsea!)

I got really lucky, because Jessie agreed to run with me.  She did the 10 mile race option and really helped my pace.  We met a few other runners along the course, so those first two laps of the lake really flew by.  When I started the third lap by myself, it was definitely harder and I was worn out (almost thought of stopping with Jessie and calling it a day).  I took my first Margarita Shot Block and that made me feel a lot better immediately.  Note to self- start taking these earlier in the race or long run!  I made it to the halfway point of the loop when another racer ran by me, so I shouted out "Great job!" The girl ended up sticking with me for a bit and ended up being a blog reader! She helped me out so much because at that point the wind kicked up and I was really struggling.  If you're reading this Sarah, thank you SO much for running with me and taking my mind off the race!

Overall, I was really happy with how I did in the race! My pace got slower on each lap, but I knew this was mostly about finishing and just not quitting.  I needed to know that I could do this, and I feel so much more confident about training now!  I still have 2 months to go, so I'm really excited to have a 20 miler in the bag.  The best part was that after the race, I scheduled a one hour float session followed by a one hour massage!  I'll be sharing more about my floating experience in my monthly wrap-up, but this helped me with recovery so much, and I wish I could do it after every hard workout.


Rest Day!
I had a rest day from running scheduled, but I still wanted to get out to stretch out my legs and get the blood flowing to them.  I took Selma to the park and walked about 5 miles with her (very slowly with lots of stops).  I always feel so much better if I move the day after a race or long run, so I'm glad the weather cooperated for a nice walk.

What's the biggest mental barrier you struggle with in training?
Did anyone else race this weekend?

linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin and also with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC


  1. Congrats! It's amazing how great weather and high mileage can mentally change our running game!

  2. Ahh I’m playing with the idea of committing to the San Francisco marathon, and posts likes this are so encouraging. Thank you for sharing Gretch!

  3. Looks like a really good week of runs and fun that you got to run with a blog reader and take a pic w/other PGH bloggers!

  4. That's a really impressive first 20 miler - congrats on getting that done! I remember my first 20 and I know how mentally hard it is.

  5. Those 20-milers are tough, often more mentally tough than physical. It's great that you could do it on the race course...breaking it down into 5-mile increments would work SO much easier for me than an entire 20-mile stretch.

    1. It definitely helped me get through and it wasn't that hard (mentally at least!)

  6. Great idea to build a race into your long run day and congrats on the 20 miles that's fantastic!

  7. Fantastic! So freaking proud of you! Twenty milers are TOUGH. They're tough physically, they're tough mentally, they're even tough emotionally. That's why 20 is that magic number. It's such a good sign that you were able to nail one with so much time left on your schedule. You're going to knock this marathon out of the park.

  8. Nice job getting in 20! That is never an easy feat but it sounds like you managed it really well! I love using races as training - having other people around is definitely a good motivator, and I think the race atmosphere helps remind me that I'm not just randomly running a million miles, but training for a race that I'm really excited about.

    1. It helps me so much! Even if I'm not "racing" having everyone around and all the support really helps.

  9. Congrats on your 20 miler! That's pretty cool part of it was a race! It's so tough to run alone. I ran my first 20 this training cycle and I'm glad I had music to push me.

    1. Thanks Sherry! And great job getting your 20 done :)

  10. CONGRATS! I know that must have been a huge relief, and you did great!

  11. Well done on your race & 20 miler!

    Since this wasn't a full race report, maybe you had other fuel throughout and just didn't mention it, but if not, waiting until mile 15 seems like too long. I'd hate to see you crash in your marathon because of a fueling issue, especially since your training has been going so well! But of course, I'm not a coach/you do you :)

    1. Thanks for the feedback Heather! I updated the post so it's more accurate :) Definitely need to work on fueling though. That's one reason why I love having these "test" races!

  12. Congrats on a strong 20 mile run! Have different Jessie run 10 miles with you and then Sarah encouraging you later on sounds like the perfect distraction. Isn't it funny how hills don't look very big in a picture? But, I can imagine that one is very steep. I've never heard of a float session. I'm intrigued. Thanks for linking, Gretchen!

  13. congrats that's a huge milestone distance!!

  14. Great job on the 20 miler! Its nice to be ahead of mileage on a training plan :)

    The highest mileage I’ve done is a half marathon, thats totally enough for me, Im not particularly fond of longer mileage.

  15. CONGRATS on your twenty miler. It's a special moment when you touch your first double digit and even more special moment when you touch 20!

  16. Congrats on your milestone 20 miler!! It always feels so great to get through that one for the first time. You did awesome!

    It's nice that you got the opportunity to do a tune-up race that's longer than a half marathon, because they give you great feedback on fueling and pacing yourself in the race environment. AND they are more fun! Also, yes, definitely start taking fuel before you feel like you need it. Your body will thank you later ;-)

  17. Congrats on your first 20 miler! I bet that's a big confidence boost in training for you. Those are tough but they do make the marathon easier! I'm excited to read more about what you think of the Freedom ISO shoes.

  18. Wow isn't it a great feeling to get that 20 miler under your belt! I remember when I did mine It hurt and was hard as hell but dang I did it!
    It is going to put you right where you need to be for your race!


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