Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 9

Whew, what a week!  I definitely had some highs and lows this week but I made it through.  I got hit with a stomach bug that's been going around at work, but luckily made up my runs and had a great long run to end the week.  I also finished Yoga Revolution, kept up my core routine, and made sure to foam roll every night.  I think all these small changes are really helping me stay strong and (knocking on wood) injury free so far.

Here's a look at my week of training:


3.5 miles / 9:57 pace
It snowed in the morning, so I got to run through a fresh layer for my morning run.  Unfortunately it was really slippery everywhere and I kept slipping (and forgot my Yak Trax) so this was a frustrating run.  I was hoping to get 4 or 5 miles in but settled on 3.5.


Rest Day
This was the final day of the Yoga Revolution!  I really enjoyed the series and would recommend it to everyone (you can find it on Youtube on Yoga with Adriene's channel).  I made my own calendar for February so I can keep going!


Rest Day

I started feeling pretty sick at work, and immediately went to sleep after getting home.  I had a speed workout on my plan for the day but decided to skip.  I also took the day off of yoga, so the rest felt great.


6 miles / 9:19 pace
I woke up feeling much better, so I luckily got in all six miles that I had on my plan.  I felt great after having two days off, so this was a great run!  


3.25 miles / 9:13 pace
Since I skipped my speed workout for the week, I decided to do a short one on Friday.  I followed a treadmill workout that I found online which was a lot of fun.  It was basically 1 minute fast, 2 minutes slow repeating for 30 minutes.  This helped the time go by really quickly and I really liked it!


4 miles (untimed)
We spent the morning bottling our first homebrew!  It was a lot of fun and not as hard as I expected.  We did end up breaking one bottle, but luckily everything else went smoothly.  In the middle of bottling, I got a text from Sarah inviting us to check out the newly opened Southern Tier Brewing on the North Shore.  I hurried up and got a few miles in while Dan cleaned up, then we met them for some beers and food.  I'm a big fan of Southern Tier and their creative beer varieties, so I'm really excited that they opened a location so nearby!  I'll definitely be back again.


16 miles / 9:09 pace
Not going to lie, this run was really tough.  My plan was to run around North Park until I hit 8 miles, then turn around and run the other way for 8 miles.  I started out feeling pretty awful and was thinking about stopping after 5 miles.  Once I got around the lake I started to feel good again so I kept going.  Once I hit 8 miles and turned around, I really wanted to quit and told myself I would finish the run after brunch (I was meeting up with my family for my mom's birthday and had a time limit).  For some reason I have a mental block around mile 8 and always struggle at that point.  I told myself just to get back to the car and I would decide then.  Once I made it back, I felt good again so I switched on music for the final 5 miles and ended up going under 9:00 mile pace for the final lap.  I'm proud of myself that I didn't give up or stop when I felt crappy and pushed through the hard parts!

After running, Dan and I met up with my family at Wunderbar in Harmony, where I got crepes with Nutella and strawberries.  On the way home, we stopped at Soergal's Orchard for some food (they have an amazing selection of vegan/gluten free items in their organic store behind the main market) and also got glasses of hard cider at their Arsenal Cider store.  We played a game of checkers then just chilled out.  Perfect afternoon!

Did anyone else get sick this week?
Favorite brewery?
How's your training going?

linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin and also with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC


  1. I have been to a few breweries lately and I always make sure I get a run in before hand. Why is it that runs go so much better after taking some time off? I liked to think of it as your body must have needed the rest.

  2. Oh you poor thing! Stomach bugs are awful. I am so glad you're feeling better now!

  3. Sorry to hear you got the stomach bug! Great job not giving up on your long run! I'm going to have to check out that Yoga Revolution on youtube.

  4. I LOVE being able to make the first fresh tracks - but agree, it was too slick to enjoy this past week. Didn't know Southern Tier had opened already, will have to go this week! We love Roundabout Brewery in Lawrenceville, and Draai Laag in Millvale, both small but very unique. Congrats on a fabulous running week despite snow and illness, times are tough in the winter!

  5. So many people are getting that blasted bug--everywhere! Glad that you are feeling better. I think my favorite brewery that I've visited was Founders in Grand Rapids. I loved everything about that place, and all the different beers that they had. Here, I love Goose Island, but it can be a little mainstream.

  6. Great job on your long run!! I for sure wouldn't have been able to power through. You're strong! And YES to Wunderbar sometime!

    1. Thanks Ciara! I skipped out on the group run so I told myself I HAD to finish.

  7. I had friends that checked out Southern Tier on Saturday today but she said they waited for 3 hours- will definitely have to check it out next time I'm home though- love their beer! Great job finished out the run... I was a wuss this weekend and ran on the treadmill because it was super chilly.

    1. Luckily the friends I went with had their names down and only had to wait for an hour..we got there just as the table was ready! Good timing ;)

  8. First I want to ask...where do you find templates for your training log you posted at the top? I love when people do that and I've been looking for a way to do it myself but I'm not super graphic designer friendly so I'd love to find one that's pre-made and easy to fill in!

    I love craft beer- my city is becoming more and more brewery friendly. So far my favorite is J Dubs but I do also love Oak & Stone because they carry lots of different options and constantly change what's on tap so it's really awesome to try a bunch of different beers!

    1. I make mine on Canva! I don't really use a template though..I just add shapes, text, and graphics. I bet there are some pre-made ones out there but I know a lot of people use Canva!

  9. You know I LOVE me some Arsenal. They're probably my favorite since I love cider so much. I'm just now starting to make my way to the local breweries, so can't say which one is my favorite quite yet. But anywhere that makes it easy to order a flight or mini beers gets bonus points in my book!

  10. We've been getting hit with virus after virus over here. I'm sorry about the stomach bug. :( The good thing about those is that they're usually over with quickly. Your mileage is climbing steadily! I left you a comment on Daily Mile regarding your 16 miler. I'm so proud of you!

  11. Ugh- I hate the stomach bug :( Have a better week this week!


  12. Ohhhh Southern Tier! I love their beers! Next time I'm out by Pittsburgh visiting family I'm going to have to make my way out there!

  13. Awesome job on your long run! Stomach bugs suck! There’s been a lot of bugs going around recently. I just seem to be getting colds though! Glad you’re feeling better!

  14. Crepes with Nutella and strawberries sound like the perfect way to end a busy week!

  15. There are definitely some yucky colds going around - glad you are feeling better!

  16. I'm sorry you caught the bug! It was so nice to see you Sunday!

  17. Thankfully I haven't really gotten sick yet this winter (knock on wood!).
    We like to travel a lot and try out local places where ever we go, it's a lot of fun!
    My training last week hit a rough spot, but back at it again this week!
    Glad you got to feeling better!

  18. Very cool that you home brew! We have made several batches of wine, but only one batch of beer. It was pretty good, but we wasn't sure what the flavor was going to taste like (bought the kit at a garage sale!!) so it was mostly successful. I love that you can create wine out of the oddest things - peaches, potatoes, watermelon, etc. Of course they don't always taste the greatest, but it's a fun science experiment!!


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