Top Five Friday #83

It's Friday, Friday!  I actually can't believe it's already the end of the week.  I completely lost track of the days and thought that yesterday was Tuesday for some reason (what?!) until my manager came to grab me for my weekly 1 on 1, and I got so confused and thought he was playing a joke on me.  I have to say, that was a great surprise to have, and I'm looking forward to the weekend.  I have some fun stuff planned with friends, I'm going to see a movie for the first time in FOREVER (going to see Split- has anyone seen it? I'm kind of scared) and it's my mom's birthday!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Modern Map Art

I'm working on finishing up our basement, which is our TV room, and I wanted to make it Pittsburgh and Penn State themed.  So,  I was really excited when Jennifer from Modern Map Art sent me a beautiful print of Pittsburgh.  It fit in with the theme perfect, and it looks great!  I love how it shows my favorite city but in a unique way.  I got a cheap poster frame from Target, and it gives it more of a finished look rather than a dorm room look.  I absolutely love it and recommend you all check out her website and pick up a print for yourself!

Fake Succulents

I love having plants around my house, but for some reason I can't keep them alive.  I blame it on the lack of natural light lately, but the fact is I'm pretty sure I have a brown thumb.  I was surprised to find really realistic-looking succulents at the craft store, and immediately picked up a bunch!  Now I have them all over the place and I don't have to worry about keeping them alive.  I'm going to have a tutorial coming up on how I "planted" them and some ideas for decorating with plants, so an eye out for that.

Corinne on The Bachelor

To be honest, I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this season of the Bachelor.  Everything is so over-the-top and ridiculous that it almost feels fake and scripted (more so than usual).  The tip of the crazy iceburg is Corinne, who has some of the most hilarious diary room sessions that I've seen on any shows.  On one hand, I have to give her props for how clever and funny she is.  On the other hand, if she's being serious and that's her real personality, it makes me a little nervous about the future "multi-million dollar business owner"s of the world.  Either way, I'm pretty sure that I want a Corinne reality show.

Judge John Hodgman Podcast

I saw this podcast recommended on another blog post recently and immediately downloaded it.  The Judge takes on complaints from disgruntled coworkers, angry spouses, irritated parents, and everyone in between. The cases are hilarious, and the episode flies by.  It's a great podcast to listen to while running, as long as you aren't afraid of laughing out loud in public!

The Complete Cookie

A coworker gave me one of these cookies to try yesterday, and I knew I had to share it right away!  I've heard of these cookies before and know that they're popular in the paleo community, but I had no idea that they were also vegan.  The cookies are high in protein, but are free from dairy, eggs, soy, and GMO's.  Somehow, they're also incredibly tasty!  My friend filled me in on the secret of nuking the cookies, and they pretty much melt in your mouth.  You can find these on amazon or on the company's website (along with their other products).  I also found them at GNC!

What are you loving?
See any good movies lately?
Who else is watching the Bachelor?

linking up with ErikaHeather, and Friday Five


  1. Well right now I'm loving your Pittsburgh print-will have to check one out for DC :) I recently saw Hidden Figures and loved it!

  2. Could not agree more on the scripted bachelor front, a bit disappointing for me! Excited to try the cookie, always looking for higher protein/lower everything else options. Have you tried the Koia line of drinks at Whole Foods? They're delicious and packed with plant-based protein, I'm crazy about them! Though per usual at Whole Foods, they'll cost you a pretty penny. Happy Friday!!!

    1. I haven't, but next time I'm there I'll check them out! Thanks for the recommendation :)

  3. I must be the only person who does not listen to podcasts! I cannot even watch the bachelor show for a minute it's so ridiculous. Those cookies look so good!

    1. It really is a crazy show..especially this season. I can't take it seriously!

  4. Okay, I love everything in this post!!! I'd love to see more of your basement decorations. We are currently doing the same thing and are going to have tons of Steelers decor.
    I can't keep plants alive either.

    So as for the bachelor shows, I did read (or see) somewhere that the producers offer a "Bonus" to the participants each show for doing or saying things. For example, $500 bonus tonight for someone who starts a fight. $500 bonus tonight for anyone who say this particular line. Etc. I found that interesting. If that is true it just goes to show how far some people will go to make some money.

  5. I love that modern map art - it's so creative!

    The complete cookie looks really good. I've seen it a few times on Instagram and I keep meaning to purchase one to try!

  6. Cool map! Are those cookies also GF? I've heard such great things about them! Enjoy the movies--I cant wait to see Beauty and the Beast next month :D

  7. This season of the Bachelor is really annoying me. Is it about Corrine or Nick I'm confused.... I can't wait until it's down to like the final four, that's when I feel like there is at least a little less drama. And oh Lenny and Larry's are SO good! I just wish they were smaller because I always want to eat the whole dang cookie, lol.

    1. Yeah seriously, this is the Corinne show for sure. I have a feeling she's going to make it far so we'll probably see her for a while.

  8. I love your basement theme! You're so creative. I can't keep plants alive either. That cookie looks suspect! I'm curious though!

  9. Teach me your succulent planting ways! I've seen them at Michael's & Hobby Lobby. I'd love to keep one or two at my desk & maybe even a few more in our living room, but I have no idea where to start so they "fit in" and don't look silly & fake.

    1. I will!! I think it all starts with finding the right kind..if you get a cheap looking one nothing will make it look good.

  10. Oh my gosh I haven't seen a movie in the theater forever! I don't watch The Bachelor but my husband and I LOVE Survivor and Big Brother. The Pittsburgh poster is cool! I should keep that in mind if I ever want to decorate with something like that. Have a great weekend! :)

    1. I used to watch Survivor all the time but fell off the bandwagon! Need to get back on :)

  11. I have the blackest of black thumbs. But I can keep a Christmas Cactus alive for what that's worth!

  12. Love that print, and the Bachelor is killing me, too! I wish they would just get rid of her, but know they have to keep her for the ratings. OMG that cookie, definitely going to have to try them!

  13. Those cookies sound amazing. I'll have to show them to my dietitian and see what she says. I'm on a really limited diet at the moment, but maybe in the future! haha

    I hope you have a great weekend, and hopefully Split was a good movie. I've heard mixed things but I'm curious and I love James McAvoy.


    1. I ended up not seeing it this weekend but hopefully I'll watch soon!

  14. That Pittsburgh map is actually so cool!

    I totally had to google what a terrible towel was because I had no idea too :P

    1. Haha! That's so funny but hopefully now you know :)

  15. I'm all about Corinne! I can't actually believe she's made it this far, but I don't hate it! Also, I'm so intrigued by these cookies... I'll have to check them out!


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