Top Five Friday #84

Happy Friday!  Man, this has been a weird week.  The temperature has been all over the place, work has been crazy one day and slow the next, and I've just felt exhausted all week.  I think I might be trying to fight off a cold because I just feel like I need a good nap and have had a pounding headache.  I have to work this weekend so I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse and can hopefully rest as much as possible!  

As usual, I'm sharing a few of my favorite things from this week.  I only have four things to share, and I'm just too tired right now to come up with a fifth.  With that being said, let's get to it!


This week I got a delivery of Nuun tabs- happy mail day to me!  I love adding these to water after a workout (especially at work) and I was excited to try some new flavors- Watermelon, Blackberry Citrus, Ginger Lemonade, and Grape.  I've tried a few of them already and they're all delicious.  I've been a huge fan of Nuun for years, so I was excited to be chosen as an ambassador this year.  Just an FYI- I don't get free products but I do get a discount on their products.  Either way I would still buy these (and have bought them over and over in the past) but wanted to be completely transparent :)  

Trader Joe's BBQ Rub

I love trying out new spices and always check out what Trader Joe's has to offer.  Not only do they carry the basics, but they also have special blends and specialty seasonings for a reasonable price.  I was interested in this one because the ingredients sound amazing- Coffee, Brown Sugar, Sea Salt, Sugar, Roasted Garlic and Onion Flakes, Smoked Paprika Flakes, and Red Bell Pepper.  This is meant for a rub on different types of meat, but it's delicious sprinkled on potatoes before roasting, mixed with pasta, or with sauces.  Best of all, it's only $1.99!

New Hair!

I was well over-due for a hair cut and finally got one this week!  It's been over a year since my last one, so I was excited to get some of the dead ends cut off and change things up.  I'm always really boring with my cut (long layers and just past my shoulders).  I love how the cut turned out and got it for cheap at Supercuts!

Blue Apron

I love trying out new meal delivery services and was excited to give Blue Apron another try.  I've gotten a few deliveries in the past, and this time I tried out their vegetarian options.  While they don't offer a vegan option yet, I still wanted to see what meals they came up with!  I was pleasantly surprised and ended up making three amazing dishes that Dan and I both loved.  I made potato and broccoli samosas (above), warm cauliflower and kale salad, and sunchoke egg noodle casserole.  It was my first time making samosas and working with a lot of these ingredients, so I really enjoyed this delivery!  If you're interested in trying it out too, I have 3 free invitations that I can send (not sponsored- it's just part of their program).  Let me know in the comments if you're interested and leave your email address :)

How often do you get your hair cut?
Favorite spice?
What are your plans this weekend?

linking up with ErikaHeather, and Friday Five


  1. Your hair looks great! I have short hair and need to get it cut every 6 weeks. Your samosas look perfect!

  2. Love the hair! NOW FEEL BETTER< DAMMIT!

  3. Cute haircut! I just got an email that Nuun is having a sale for Valentine's. I'm gonna have to order some. I just ran out.

  4. I can't wait to try the Nuun vitamins - all of the flavors look so good!

  5. That TJ rub looks interesting I will look for it. New haircuts are the best looks super cute

  6. Wow that spice combo does sound amazing--I bet you could rub it on tofu before roasting it in the oven too! Your hair looks so cute--I am going to try to get mine cut in a month or two...I grow it out to donate each year and it's almost time for a chop!

  7. Your hair looks great! I go to the cheap places too. I definitely don't get it cut as often as I should!

  8. your hair looks awesome girl! i love finding cheap but quality places to get it done! Hope you have a great weekend are able to stop by my blog as well!

  9. It has been WAY too long since I had my hair cut, I am definitely due and soon. I went to Great Clips last time & the lady did a terrible job, which I didn't notice until after I left. I'm not too picky, so that says a lot.

    1. Ugh that's disappointing! Luckily I've never had a bad cut..but then again I'm super boring so it's hard to mess up what I get!

  10. I waited for over like, 2 years to get my hair professionally cut--I just get Andrew to trim the ends for me. Your hair looks so great! Gorgeous! It must feel good too.

    1. I wish Dan would do mine..I cut his all the time but he's afraid to touch mine!

  11. Your hair looks good! I am overdue for a haircut! but that requires a call to make an appointment and I'm not in the mood to call anybody right now.

    1. I just go to places where I can walk in and not make an appointment!

  12. I picked up some of the TJ rub... I can't wait to try it out. I need to try out the nuun vitamins too.

  13. Your hair looks so pretty, and the BBQ rub sounds really good :)

  14. Ohh that spice rub sounds so good! We had a similar one of a store brand that we loved, but they stopped making it, so I'll definitely keep my eye out for that when I'm at TJ next time. Loving your new haircut and your samosas look delicious!

  15. Your hair looks so good!

    And for the first time making samosas, they look AMAZING!

  16. ooooh your hair looks so fancy! love it. also, the samosas look delicious. i haven't tried blue apron, i tried hello fresh and was not a fan.


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