What's New With You? Linkup #13

Happy One Year of the linkup!  I'm so happy to see so many of you participating each and every month, and I love to check out all of your posts.  I hope you all continue to join Kristen and me, because I love hearing what's going on in your lives!

Today I want to share an update on my resolutions, as well as some life updates!

Break 4 hours in the marathonI haven't raced yet, but my training is going really well.  The average pace for a 4 hour marathon is 9:09 per mile, and I've been training at 8:45 for my marathon pace runs.  I think running consistently has really helped me make larger improvements than ever before, and I'm excited to keep going.  I know I still have a long road ahead, but I'm feeling optimistic.

Buy lunch less than 2 times per monthThis month I went out for lunch once, for my co-worker's birthday.  I'm planning a new post on vegan lunch ideas so I'm trying out all kinds of fun and new combinations.  I think that helps keep lunch fun and exciting so I don't even want to buy!

Learn a song on pianoI've been practicing a lot on the piano this month!  I'm getting better at playing bass and treble clefs (left and right hand) at the same time, and can get through shorter songs without stopping.  Now I want to start working on a more challenging piece.

No-buy until the marathonI did pretty well with this in January.  I did buy a new pair of running shoes and a mask for running in the cold.  I'm hoping to do a real no-buy in February!  The good thing is that I have been saving a dollar for every mile I do in my training, so I'm up to $113 so far.

Be more creativeThis month I bought a cross stitch kit, and I have a few designs in mind to get started.  Hopefully I'll finish one in February!

Disconnect dailyI've been doing really well with this one- I leave my cell phone in a basket by our front door as soon as I get home.  I also try not to go on my laptop before dinner so that I can spend more quality time with Dan.

Save $$$!!!  We did save some money this month, but we can always be better about it.  I'm hoping next month to double the amount that we saved in February.  I'm also planning on having a budget discussion with Dan some time in February, just to go through our expenses from last year and make real goals!

Start home brewingWe started our first batch of beer this month!  We got a kit from Northern Brewer, and have been patiently waiting for it to ferment and turn into alcohol.  I'll write up an entire post on the process since a lot of you were interested in home brewing.  We're going to be bottling the beer this weekend, then we just have to wait another week for it to carbonate!

And now on to a few updates from January!

I finished Yoga Revolution!  After 31 days of yoga (61 if you include the 30 days I also did in December), I did it!  At times it was challenging and frustrating, and other times I found myself making huge improvements in my strength and became more flexible than I thought possible.  I decided to take a day off yesterday, but I'm planning on continuing to do yoga (almost) every day while I marathon train!

This month I want to try a new class at the gym.  Since I feel like I have to do yoga every single day, I feel free to try out a new workout.  There are so many to choose from at my gym, but I'm thinking about trying out some kind of dance workout.  Hopefully I'll be able to share what I tried next month!

I'm also committing myself to trying a float tank in February.  I talked about this last Friday, and I decided that I just need to give it a go.  I've been hearing about it EVERYWHERE lately, which I'm taking as a sign.  Plus, I'm planning on doing this combined with a massage, which I think would qualify as a spa day to check off my 30x30 list.

That's all I've got for today- let me know what's new by linking up below!


  1. I have no idea how, but our "light" month of spending was just as bad as all the rest. MAJOR fail whale on that.... GRrrrrr

    1. Just think about how bad it would have been if you weren't trying to spend light ;)

  2. Wow these are some seriously awesome goals! Go you! If only I was as committed! Happy anniversary to the link up and thanks for hosting!!

  3. i ate out lunch once in january - my goal was zero, so i 'failed' but considering it used to be once or twice a week, i'm happy. i'm going to try for zero in february! i agree though, i think having fun lunches helps so much. i'm not even tempted if i have something i really want already.
    good job on the rest of your goals! i've always wanted to try a dance class at the gym but i'm super uncoordinated so i haven't lol

  4. I love how organized and motivated you are with your goals! It's always very inspiring for me to read other people's goals. Are you taking lessons from someone on the piano or are you just self taught? Either way, kudos on your discipline!

  5. I don't have any musical talents but I keep saying that someday I'll learn how to play the piano!

    1. It's a lot of fun! And sounds pretty no matter how bad you are :)

  6. Good stuff!

    I like the idea of leaving your phone in a basket by the door.

    I'm interested to hear how you like the float tank!

    1. I just scheduled an appointment so I'll definitely share an update next month :)

  7. Definitely toying with leaving my phone at the door, or something similar, having unplugged evenings. It's odd, Mr. Sass' schedule changes so often, right now, he's home at night, but for the past 2 he wasn't, so I could do whatever since I was by myself. Hard to go from watching trashy TV shows by myself to having to ask if he wants to watch My 600 LB Life with me, or not. Haha.

    We pretty much spent our whole 4 mile hike last weekend talking about money, what we want to do in the next 2-3 years, and what we want to do in the next 10. Our next step is to sit down with real numbers, not just estimations and work out the math. I get strangely giddy thinking about all we'll be able to do and save for if we stick to the plan!

    1. No lie- I have a coworker who used to be a production assistant on My 600 Pound Life! I came into the conversation late so I thought that he was a contestant on it, and everyone was in on the joke and had me going for weeks that he used to be overweight and lost all the weight. He follows a keto diet now, and he said that was the reason why, to maintain his weight. Someone finally messed up one day and I found out he was just on the filming crew and not a contestant, but they had me going!

  8. Wow, you are one busy lady! Sounds like your year is off to a great start!

    You've been doing so well in training I have no doubt you'll crush your marathon goal. You are so right about the effect of training more consistently - in the 8 months between my first and second marathon, I took 25 seconds per mile off my marathon pace by running more and working harder in my training. Believe in what you are capable of!

    1. I sure hope so...not going to lie that I'll be pretty disappointed if I have a bad race :-/ Either way I'll keep trying!

  9. I loved your idea of saving a $1 for each mile! I started to do that too! Thanks for that idea!

  10. Putting your phone by the door when you get in is a brilliant idea. When I work from home I struggle to disconnect properly, which is bad, so I need to work on that one.

    I'm impressed by your dedication to the yoga thing. That's the sort of thing I wish I could do and never ever manage to stick to!

    1. Thanks Rachel! It was definitely a challenge at the beginning and I felt like I didnt have time to fit it in, but now it's part of my routine and I feel like something's missing if I skip a day!

  11. I've been working on cutting back buying lunch as well. I go out with coworkers once a month, so my goal is to keep it to that since I can easily whip something up at home.

    1. That's a great goal to have! My coworkers go out to lunch every day and always invite me, so it gets hard to turn them down all the time :( once a month is a good amount though.

  12. I tried a hip hop workout class (it was free) and loved it so much I wound up doing the whole course (I think it was like 4 weeks?). I love that you're home brewing- hope it turns out delicious! And I've been hearing a lot about those float tanks lately too- curious to hear how your experience goes!

    1. Thank you! I hope I'll have good things to share next month with all three! :)

  13. These are great goals! We had to make some big purchases leading up to Christmas that our goal is to try not to spend any money in February just to catch up (at least no big ticket items anyway). That's awesome that you're doing yoga every day. Is this at your gym or at home? I tried to do a 30 day yoga challenge via youtube last year but stopped about halfway through. For no reason other than I just forgot haha. I've also been wanting to start cross stitching too! I have a hard time sitting still when my husband and I watch TV so I think it would be nice to have something to do with my hands. The last time I popped into Michaels, they were completely sold out of kits though. I guess I will have to order something online.

    1. It's from home! I'm doing the Yoga with Adriene series (she also does 30 days of yoga which I did in December which might be what you're talking about). I ordered a kit on Amazon and downloaded some cute designs from Etsy!

  14. Happy anniversary!

    I've always noticed that the more consistent I am with running and the better I am about sticking to not only my training but also foam rolling, eating well, etc. the easier my next-tier goals are to achieve. Good luck breaking 4 hours! Saving a dollar per mile is an awesome idea too.

    It sounds like I'm biased because I'm a yoga teacher, but I seriously believe there's no better cross-training for runners than yoga. Good job keeping up with the 61 days, I hope you stick with it!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! I took one day off and now I'm starting a new challenge :)

  15. Sounds like you accomplished a lot of things this month! What is a float tank? I did the 30 days of yoga camp on her channel a few months ago and enjoyed it--cant wait to do the revolution one!

    1. Float tanks are filled with Epsom salt and lukewarm water, then closed off so it's kind of like a sensory-deprivation tank. It's supposed to be good for meditation and recovery.

  16. I want to start practicing piano again. It's been so long since I played...

  17. Your disconnecting idea sounds seriously perfect! I need to start doing that of an evening!

  18. So fun that you guys are brewing your own beer!!! And I find that when I find new recipes for lunch, it really keeps me motivated and excited for it. I get stuck in lunch ruts a lot.

  19. So impressed with all your yoga and money saving!! Can't wait to hear how your beer turns out!! That cookie looks like it was made for you :) Glad you found something that you really enjoy!

  20. I'm late on this link up - but I love seeing financial goals! Jessie got me kind of obsessed with saving money & budgeting & everything - I'm currently doing 30 days no Dunkin or Starbucks! I love my own coffee at home way better anyways.

  21. Sounds like you're really on top of all those goals already! Not a bad way to start the year at all!

  22. Wow twins! Hope you find time for your hobbies :)

  23. I loved yoga revolution and so many things from that are making their way into my everyday life. Finishing on time was even more of a win for me given how crazy the last week of the month was.

  24. I love paying yourself for training! Maybe that will be the thing to get me off of my couch! Lunch is so hard so I'll look out for your vegan ideas post (though honestly I will add cheese because I love it so much...)

  25. So glad you guys started this link-up! It's one of my favorites! I also love all the variety in your goals, it sounds like you're definitely on track to break your 4-hour goal. Great job on finishing your yoga challenge and I'll be interested to hear what class you end up choosing at the gym/if you like it! After talking about it for almost a year, I finally tried body pump this month!

  26. This is a great list, I often have similar goals to eat out less and save more money. I want to focus on meal prep a lot this year! That's so fun that you bought a cross stitch kit (I've been wanting to start!) and have been practicing the piano. I have no musical skills! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


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