Top Five Friday : Over It
I hate to start out another Friday post with negativity, but this has been another awful week. I've decided that I'm over March and ready to move on to April. New months always feel like a fresh start for me, and April means that it's also a new quarter. It's also my marathon race month! So, I'm ready for today to be over because it will be the weekend and I can forget about having a horrible month. Let's cheer up a bit to talk about the things that did make me happy this week! linking up with Erika , Heather , and Friday Five Song : Deja Vu by Shakira For some reason I've been going through a big Spanish music kick lately. I've been working on translating our app to Spanish for work, so I think it's taking over my whole life! I really like this song because I love pretty much everything Shakira comes out with, and it also reminds me of summer between my sophomore and junior year of college. I ha...