Gettysburg Marathon Training : 2 Steps Forward 1 Step Back

It feels so good to finish a full week of training again.  The weather was also perfect all week (is spring finally going to stick around?) and it felt amazing to run outside in SHORTS.  I'm happy to be running again and for the most part this was a fantastic week.  I did have a little setback that I'll talk about, and is the reason for the title today!  

Only four more weeks to go until race day, and each day I'm getting more and more of my confidence back.  I'm using this entire training cycle as a lesson on what (not) to do and learning from it.  I know I haven't even run this race yet, but I'm already excited to use what I learned to improve and crush some PR's this year.

I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's just talk about training this week!


5 mile walk
I didn't really want to run for a third day in a row, so I decided to head out with Selma for a walk around North Park.  She's always up for some exercise so we had a great time!  The weather was also great, and we fit in a few sections of running (maybe 1 mile total).


3.5 miles / 9:26 pace
I was so excited for this run because I finally got to run in the morning again!  The weather was perfect and I felt fantastic.  I went for an easy run on one of my favorite routes, and it felt like I was finally back to normal.


Rest Day


5 miles / 8:45 pace

To be honest, I was really nervous about this workout.  It was my first speed workout in a few weeks, and I wasn't sure how my body would handle it.  My plan was 5 miles with the middle 3 at marathon race pace (9:00 per mile).  I set out at an easy pace and instantly felt relaxed and happy to be out!  I saw my time was 9:09 for the first "warmup" mile and decided to use this run as a time trial for the 3 miles, and see what my comfortable hard/tempo pace would be.  My splits ended up being 8:31, 8:19 and 8:13.  I felt like I could have run forever, and it made me SO happy!


Rest Day


5 miles / 9:01 pace
1 hour hike
Saturday was Dan's birthday, so we got to do whatever he wanted for the day!  I started out waking up early and getting in a quick 5 mile run at the park (stopping at the Boat House to cheer on some friends running Just a Short Race!).  After I got home, we headed out to brunch at Casbah, where we had a fantastic meal.  Then, we headed back to the park to go for a hike with Selma!  It was so beautiful out and the park was packed, so I was happy to be on the more quiet trails.  Selma had a blast and it was great to spend some quality time outside.  When we got back home, we spent the night outside drinking wine and having some appetizers.  It was pretty much a perfect day and the best way to celebrate his birthday.


11 miles / 9:20 pace
My plan for today was to do 15 miles. Started out feeling great on a sunny and warm morning. My pace was fantastic and I barely felt like I was working, plus my fueling was on point. Right around 10.5 miles I started to feel my shoulder get a little sore, so I decided to play it safe and cut my run a little short and not risk getting re-injured.  I know that my fitness is there and I would rather show up on race day a little under-trained than not being able to run at all. Back to physical therapy!  

Overall I was happy with this week.  Not everything went to plan, but for the most part I feel back to myself.  I tried easing back into training and trying to not push myself too much.  It's definitely a tough balancing act, but I'm working on it!

linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs , Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin , Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC and Steff from Run Steff Run!


  1. Great week! Selma looks so happy!

  2. Aww! Selma is so pretty! I hate to hear about your shoulder but, otherwise, it sounds like you had a solid training week; great that you are able to give yourself a little grace and take the rest that your body needs! Hope this week goes well for you!

  3. Happy Birthday to Dan!
    Sounds like a solid week of training. I am glad the weather is nice again. I'm kind of bummed I used this week as a recovery week after my race and didn't run at all.

  4. So sorry to hear about your shoulder, but it sounds like you had a pretty good week of training!

  5. That Thursday tempo run was great! And look at all your sunny weather!!! YAY! Happy Birthday, Dan!!! I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder but you did the right thing, and your body will reward you for it.

  6. Good thinking playing it safe! I hope the shoulder pain was a once off and the injury doesn't return!!!

  7. I'm sorry your shoulder started hurting!! But so glad you listened to your body. Good work on getting your training in!

  8. Good job listening to your body. You have proved you are still strong in your training. Plus how cute is Selma with her toy! It was great to see you Saturday morning!

  9. Yay! You are getting so close. I ran for a little bit with Ridley the other day and it was awesome--tired her right out:D

  10. Thanks for stopping by to cheer everyone on! It was so good to see you!

  11. It sounds like you had an amazing training week! hopefully nothing serious with your shoulder. what was your injury?

    I'm really glad it's spring too. I may actually run in the morning again at some point!! best time of the day if you ask me!

  12. Good for you playing it safe! You still had an awesome week!

    I'm also really glad spring is here. I'm sooo sick of bundling up and being cold. Wish the sun would hurry up and start rising a little earlier, though - early morning darkness is killing me.

  13. Good week and looks like a really nice weekend!

  14. Glad you stopped by Saturday morning, AND enjoyed your hike!

    Definitely agree it's better to show up a little under trained than it is to not show up at all. So wise move cutting the run short.

  15. The pic of Selma with her toy is too adorable! This week proves that all your fitness is definitely still there, and you're going to do great on race day!


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