Top Five Friday : Week of Blah

Happy Weekend! After a lot of excitement and events this month, I was happy to have a week without plans. Which, of course meant that I got sick! I could feel something lurking for the past few weeks, and I finally caught it. Luckily I just needed some extra rest, some vitamins and fluids, but I definitely enjoyed an off week. I also took some time off running which felt weird, but it gave me time to think out my next running plan and future races. I'll share more soon, but for now I'm looking forward to a chill weekend and sharing some favorites with you all today. I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll talk to you on Monday! linking up with Erika , Heather , and Friday Five Song : John Mayer - The Search for Everything I'm really in love with John Mayer's new album. I haven't always been a big fan of his and I don't think that I've ever listened to an entire album before, but I'm really en...