Gettysburg Marathon Training : Much Better

Race day is getting closer and closer, and every day I'm feeling stronger.  This was overall a great week of training, and I can't believe I'm already into my taper!  This has been such a long training cycle filled with lots of highs and lows, so it's exciting to be near the finish line (or, I should say the starting line for the race!).

Here's a look at how my week of training went:


Rest Day


5 miles / 9:17 pace
Today's run felt so, so good. Everything felt great and loose, and I was just going through the miles effortlessly. My breathing was fantastic and nothing hurt!  I also tried out a new pair of running shoes which I really liked.  I'll test them out for a few more days before sharing more.


6.75 miles / 8:57 pace
This speed workout was a great start to the day! 1 mile warmup, 4 miles at tempo (8:30ish), 1/2 mile of strides, 1.25 mile cooldown. I was getting annoyed with my watch because the pace kept jumping around like crazy..from 10:00 pace to 7:10 during my tempo portion. I started to ignore it and ran by feel, so the splits aren't very even but my effort was the same the entire time.


It's been a while since I've done a yoga flow and I've been avoiding it for a while, but I finally decided to try out a nice and easy "Yoga for Runners" video.  The stretches felt great and I have to add it back into my routine!  I don't think I'll do it every day like I've been doing, and I'll keep it low key and more stretching than strength, but I definitely missed it.


4 miles / 9:42 pace
A cold and wet morning meant that I stayed indoors for this run.  I kept the pace comfortable and easy on the treadmill, and slowly picked up the pace every mile.


Rest Day
My plan was to meet up with the Pro Bike and Run group to get my long run over with on Saturday, but I ended up sleeping in (boo!). 


15 miles / 9:05 pace
Sunday was a much nicer day than Saturday- it was warm and sunny and the park was packed.  I went out the night before and wasn't really feeling my best during the run, so I was thrilled with my pace.  I kept it easy for the first 5 miles, then focused on running marathon pace for the final 10 miles.  I felt great but had a big of pain in my left toes for the final two miles.  I ordered a new pair of shoes for my race (same shoes that I've been training in for my long runs) and this was my first run with them, so I'm just hoping the shoes need broken in.

How was your week?
What shoes are you wearing lately?


  1. You sound so happy! I love it. And those shoes are pretttay. I'm in Mizuno Sayonaras, and have been for the past year. The pegasus are now too high of a drop for me.

  2. I've been wearing Saucony Guide - I bought 1 pair in store + 2 more online, and I SWEAR somehow the ones from online are a little different, and therefore I like them less. They seem to have more padding in the heel which is obnoxious. And I KNOW they're the same model "year". I check a bazillion times. So maybe I'm just crazy.

    You coming out for a run this weekend? I'll be there Saturday morning!

  3. For as long as I can remember, each and every time I start up in new shoes, my left toes go numb for the first couple of weeks of running in them! WHY?!?! It's so weird. I wish I could figure it out. You said on your IG story that loosening the laces seemed to help and I have tried that too but still nothing! Maybe we need to go up a half a size?

  4. I've read that even if shoes are the exact same model, they still need to be broken in. So I bet that was the reason. Good job this week and yay for making it to taper!

  5. Ooh, those shoes are cute!

    My week has been insanely busy and I am so ready for jesse to be back home after working away so we can have a relaxing weekend!


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