Butler 5 Miler Training : Struggle Bus

I'm just going to warn you all today- this week sucked.  It happens to me every year and I've come to expect it- the first hot and humid week of the season is always so hard.  I feel sluggish and slow, and running a mile feels like I'm finishing a marathon!  Luckily this was a "step-down" week in my 5 miler training plan, so there weren't too many miles on my schedule.  I hope that forcing myself outside on hot days (and waiting until later in the day to run) helps me adapt to the hot weather faster!  Here's hoping to feeling better in the coming months!


3 miles / 9:28 pace
I went on an easy run around North Park, and then met up with Dan and Selma at the dog park.  Nice easy way to start the week!


Rest Day!
No running, but I did my arm workout for the day.  I also went to Tuesday Trivia, and didn't win again!  It's still fun, so always worth it :)


3.5 miles / 8:16 pace
I had 400 meter repeats on my plan, so I headed down to the track after work to get it down.  Unfortunately, the track was packed with some kind of group and I didn't feel like weaving around people, so I decided to take my speed work to North Park and use the quarter mile posts as my markers.  I did a half mile warmup, followed by 5x 1/4 mile with  1/4 mile jog between reps.  I ended with a cool down jog and was STEAMING at the end!  It was definitely warm out- close to the 90's!


Rest Day!
No running, but did a leg workout and took Selma to the park for a hike.


3 miles / 9:31 pace
I took Selma for a run with me at the park!  I just got a new running belt to use with her that goes around my waist, so that I can run hands free with her.  It made such a big difference and made running a lot easier.  I can see myself running with her all the time now!


Rest Day!
I was supposed to do my second speed workout, but we spent all day out of the house.  We had some errands to run and ended up being out from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening.  The last thing I felt like doing was going for a run, so I decided to skip my run and just do my yoga and core work.  The highlight of the day was trying out a brewery on my Tour De Beer list- All Saints Brewing.  If you're ever in the Greensburg area you HAVE to stop by- one of my favorite breweries I've ever visited.


5 miles
This whole run was a struggle fest!  It was so humid and hot out, and I just felt so miserable this entire run. I shut off my watch within the first mile because I didn't care about time, I just wanted to get through the run.  I'm just happy that I actually finished the run and didn't quit, so at least something positive came out of it. 


  1. I'm moving back to Pittsburgh in a few weeks and I'll be living right next to North Park for the summer- we should meet up for some runs (and some brewery trips!)

  2. Great job this week - even though it was so unbearably hot. I was definitely happy to be working out at the gym with AC! Lets meet up for a brewery visit sometime soon!

  3. I am NOT a fan of hot weather, especially now that I'm trying to run consistently. I did have to chuckle at your note for Tuesday though - when you said "arm workout" and the list of brews, did you actually lift weights that day or lift one arm in particular while imbibing? :) Totally not judging either way!

    1. LOL!! I should have made it clear that I did lift weights...and drink beer...but they were two different activities!!

  4. Ah yes, the first hot week/days of running are always frustrating. I hate running in hot weather. Heat acclimation can take some time, so just be patient and stick with it - the best thing you can do for heat acclimation is to not avoid running in the heat, so that you can adjust more quickly (but be safe, of course!). Just think, what's hard now will seem like a breeze in late August!

  5. Ohhhhh your humidity sounds GROSS! How come running later in the day is better? Here it gets hotter as the hours go by. Our temps peak at around 4-5pm. The 400m repeats would have been tough AF. Nicely done.

    1. It's definitely hotter but I'm trying to acclimate faster!

  6. Good idea to run when it's hot to get acclimated. It takes a while! I've always wondered how well those running leashes work. Glad it's working so well for Selma. If I tried to make Django run in the heat, he'd just stand there and look at me like I'm nuts. He can barely walk when it's hot!

    1. Lol!! She loves the heat so much and will just sit outside and run around all day when it's sunny out. Crazy dog.

  7. SAME. This is the first hot week in the UK too (although our weather is so up and down it's hard to actually get proper acclimatisation. It's hard not to feel like a total running failure for a week (or two!), it can be so demoralising! Hope everything kicks into gear for you soon!

  8. Got a taste of summer humidity last weekend too. I was not expecting it and it really sucked the fun out of my long run. It happens every year, just have to be patient while we adapt.


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