Top Five Friday : Busy as a Bee

TGIF!  It's definitely been a crazy week at work, with no signs of slowing down until the end of June.  We have a big release coming up which means I have a lot of work to do!  I'm going to have to start working weekends to keep up with everything, but I love all of the projects that I'm on that I'm actually looking forward to it.  Is that crazy?

This weekend is looking to be very busy, with a race, work event, errands and chores, and some social time as well.  I have a feeling that by Monday I'll be needing a weekend to recover from my weekend, but what can you do!  My favorites are a bit sparce this week since I didn't really have time to enjoy anything new or exciting, but I hope you enjoy them anyway.

Good luck to everyone racing, and to everyone else have a fun (and hopefully relaxing) weekend!

linking up with ErikaHeather, and Friday Five 

Song : OK Computer by Radiohead

I've been on a big Radiohead kick lately and have been listening to their album Ok Computer as my background music at work.  I love how experimental and interesting their music is, especially the song Exit Music (for a film).  It starts out really quietly and simply, then increases in intensity, volume and instrumentation as the song goes on.  It's so amazing and I have to keep listening to it over and over again!  If you want to hear a cool version of the song, listen to this one from Westworld.

Podcast : Anna Faris is Unqualified

This is such a funny podcast, and I love all of the people that Anna Faris interviews.  Not only is she hilarious by herself, but she brings on some of my favorite stars and talks about every topic imaginable.  Some of my favorites were Lauren Graham, RuPaul, and Eric Stonestreet.

Product : Homemade Cold Brew

Last week, I tried making my own cold brew for the first time (mostly because I got an amazing nut milk bag and that's just another way you can use it) and was shocked at how amazing it tasted.  All I did was use 1 cup of ground coffee (I used a cheap can that I got a while ago from Whole Foods) and 3 cups of filtered water.  I left it in a mason jar overnight, then in the morning I poured it through the nut milk bag to filter out the grounds, and was left with a ton of cold brew concentrate for the week!  I use equal parts of the concentrate and almond milk (which I also make at the beginning of the week) and it tastes AMAZING.  I don't even need any sweetener, and it tastes better than any cold brew that I've bought.  Now I want to try this out with a slightly nicer coffee that's not old and see how much better I can make it!

Show : The Voice

To be honest, I'm still behind of The Voice (just finished up the Live Playoffs) but I wanted to talk about it!  I feel like the auditions and narrowing down of the teams always takes forever, so I'm excited to actually dive into the performances and find out who I want to cheer for.  So far, I'm loving Vanessa Ferguson (her rendition of If I Was Your Woman gave me so many chills), as well as Chris Blue.  He's ridiculously talented.

Random : Marathon Weekend!

It's the best weekend of the year- Pittsburgh Marathon weekend!  The organizers are getting the roads ready and the corrals are set up.  Packet pickup is today, with the 5k on Saturday and the half/full marathons on Sunday!  I'll be running the half (thanks to the generous Meranda) and will be cheering on all my friends running the full!  I've done the half twice and the full twice, so I'm just excited to be running my favorite race again this year.  It's going to be a lot of fun, whether it's pouring down rain like the forecast says (I hope so!! LOVE running in the rain!) or not.  If you're local, come out and cheer!  

Are you watching the Voice this year?
Who else is running Pittsburgh this weekend?  Any other races?


  1. Yum, I totally need to try cold brew! Good luck on your half this weekend :)

  2. 1. Cold brew! Inspired! Maybe I'll wait until it's not winter anymore after this weekend though. 2. So glad you're running, I wasn't sure! I'm going to be on the hunt for you!

  3. ZOMG, Anna Faris has a podcast?? I NEED THAT.
    Good luck this weekend!

  4. I like watching the voice in the very beginning when they chose to turn their chair around, but I do not continue to watch it throughout the season. I like Anna Farris I will have to loo into that podcast. It'd be nice to download something other than a running related one!

  5. Good luck this weekend hope the weather is good for you! I need to get on the cold brew band wagon

  6. Good luck at the half marathon this weekend! Do you have any tips for running in the rain? Particularly how to keep your phone dry (or do you run without your phone?)

  7. Hope to see you at the 5k meetup tomorrow AM!

  8. Hopefully next spring I will do this race (it's been on my list for years but it's the same weekend as the Broad Street Run in Philly). Good luck this weekend and hope your shoulder is feeling better!

  9. You love running in the rain?!?! Crazy girl! As long as it's not freezing cold I guess! I'm glad you're not minding being so busy. I don't mind being busy either as long as it's a pleasant stress and not a sad stress. We're having a bit of a rough go over here. :/ But nothing that won't fluff out in the wash. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow when it's just me and Andrew and Callum for a couple of days. Nothing against the older kids, AT ALL, just that there will be less of them to fuss over in a hands-on way. It's been intense. Good luck this weekend! I'm loving all these Spring races. It's getting me hyped for my big comeback!

  10. Exit music was written (I'm pretty sure) for the Leo Di Romeo and Juliet film. Thom was like, why didn't they run away? Why did they have to die? Random things I remember!

  11. I love Westworld and totally remembered the scene with that song, but had no idea it was Radiohead! Such a great composition, though I like the original too. I haven't watched any of The Voice this season, but the Knockout rounds are always so hard. I agree, she sounds amazing! Good luck in the half, hope it rains for you!

  12. I totally need to try making my own cold brew and almond milk! That sounds amazing for summer!

  13. mmm iced coffees are the best! I've been making them a lot lately too! Thats awesome you love your work---I've never been at a job where I look forward to projects before haha!

  14. Good Luck in the half marathon!! There is a huge group from Harrisburg going, I'm sad to not be going with them :~(


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