Top Five Friday : Already?

I seriously can't believe that it's Friday already!  Dan and I went on a little trip to Cincinnati this week, so all day yesterday (my first day back at work), it felt like a Monday.  I won't complain that the weekend is already here :)  I'll be sharing a bit about our trip below, but look for a full post coming soon!  It was such a fun trip and I got to cross something off my bucket list, so I can't wait to share more.  I hope you all had a great week as well!

linking up with ErikaHeather, and Friday Five 


Explicale by Yandel
A few weeks ago, my music obsession was Wisin, and now it's his old duo partner Yandel is coming out with new music.  I love this song, which has a completely different sound than Wisin.  This doesn't really have a hard beat like most reggaeton music, and I can't wait to hear more songs from his upcoming album (which includes a song with Wisin)!


Runner's World Podcast
This has definitely been one of my favorite podcasts from the past year, and I always look forward to new episodes coming out every week.  Some times they interview famous runners (like a recent episode with Desi Linden), but other times a few experts just discuss one topic in a round-table format.  This week's episode was all about running your best fall race, which is coming at the perfect time for me since I just started training for my next half.  The advice is all great and the episode is very informative!


Lululemon Tracker Short V
At the beginning of a training cycle, I like to treat myself to a new piece of clothing to help keep me motivated and excited to start running.  This time around I picked up a new pair of shorts from Lulu- the Tracker Shorts!  I like these because they are a bit longer than the Speed Shorts (which I always feel like I have to make sure aren't exposing anything to runners behind me!!) and has a larger pocket on the side.  The material is really comfortable for running, and they keep me nice and cool in this warm, humid weather.  What more could you want from a pair of shorts?!


Big Brother
Since I was traveling this week, I didn't really get to watch any TV.  I did catch up on Big Brother though, and I love a good double eviction night!  Even though there's a lot of drama going on in the house, I feel like there's not a single person that I'm really rooting for.  It seems like Paul is the only one playing the game, and everyone else is just following his advice.  I hope that changes soon!


Cincinnati Open
The reason that we went to Cincinnati this week was to watch a tennis tournament- the Western and Southern Open!  I've been a fan of tennis for a while now (even if I don't play), so I was so excited to go to my first tournament.  It was so much fun to watch the matches in person and to meet a few of my favorite players!  The tournament is still going on, and is the last big match before the final slam of the year- the US Open.  I can't wait to see if a "Next Gen" star will win it (GO ZVEREV!!) or if Federer/Nadal will end their magical year on a high note. 

What's your favorite sport?
Who else is watching Big Brother?


  1. That's a cute skirt! I hope it gives you the motivation you need this fall!

  2. I am all for treating yourself to a new something for workouts. Motivates you to get out there for sure. I always love the extra pockets on shorts

    1. So useful! I wish every running bottom had lots of pockets :)

  3. Oh I was WONDERING where all the tennis videos were coming from on your Instagram! You love tennis! That must have been the BEST TIME for you guys!

  4. I am so annoyed with this season of Big Brother. I am sick of Paul and I am sick of everyone just letting him control things!!! It's infuriating!

  5. I think I saw a few episodes of the first season of Big Brother, but since Survivor was still tops in our house, I couldn't get into the drama of BB. I'm a big fan of tennis too! I'd love to see a pro tournament and would LOVE to see one of the Grand Slam tournaments. I was on a school trip to Paris and was outside Roland Garros a week or so before it started. Excited to be there ... but would have freaked out if the timing had been better. :)

    1. I'm not sure if I could handle a Grand Slam now...this one was big enough for me!! So cool that you almost got to go to Roland Garros! That must have been a fun school trip.


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