What's New With You? Linkup #19

July was such a busy and fun month, and I can't believe it's August already.  I seriously can't believe that the summer is basically over..before we know it there will be pumpkin spice lattes, scarves, and Halloween decorations everywhere!  Before then, you all know what time it is.  That's right...it's already time for the monthly linkup with Kristen and me.  Make sure you link down below and tell me what's going on!

Goals and Resolutions

Do Something Crafty.  This definitely took a back burner in July.  I was so busy with being outside as much as possible, hanging out with friends, visiting with family, hosting guests from out of town, that I didn't really do anything crafty!  Whoops :)

Be Musical. I've been playing piano like crazy and I can tell a huge difference since I started!  I'm so glad that we splurged and decided to buy a keyboard last year, and it's definitely one of the most-used things in our house.  I also started playing the sax last month, but I need to start practicing more.  I'm still hoping to join a group this fall, so I don't want to embarrass myself :)

Stay Active.  Definitely crushed this goal!  I decided to start my first Run Streak in July (my first day was the 4th!) and I'm on day 31.  I made this my goal for two main reasons- 1) Dan was away for a work trip for most of the month and I wanted to make sure that I stayed active and didn't get lazy/stay inside all day every day, and 2) I wasn't training for a race, so it's easy for me to get out of the habit of training.  I ended up running a race this month (you can check out my recap here!) and decided on a goal race for the fall, so I think my streak worked!

We also went out on the lake on our new kayaks a few times, and I took two stand-up paddleboarding classes.  The first one was a yoga class (now I can cross that one off my bucket list), and the second was to learn how to SUP with a dog.  They were both so much fun and I can't wait to get a paddle board next!

Drink Beer!  So far, my Tour de Beer is going pretty well! This summer I visited a bunch of different places- Southern Tier, Hop Farm, Grist House, and All Saints.  I still have a ton to visit (Cobblehaus, ShuBrew, and North Country are on the top of my list).  I'm also hoping to start brewing my next batch of beer in August, so more to come on that!

Other Stuff

We went to Mexico!  This was technically at the end of June, but we did get back in July, so it counts?  I shared my recap of the few days we spent on Isla Mujeres, and I'm still working on a post about our time in Cancun (and my first time staying at an all-inclusive resort).  The trip was a ton of fun and really relaxing.  The only bad thing about the trip is that I immediately started to plan another trip- something about traveling always makes me want to explore more.  Where should I go next?

I also visited Falling Water.  This was another item on my bucket list (did really well with that in July!!), so I was really happy when my family invited me to go!  The house itself was beautiful, but I fell in love with the grounds.  There were miles of trails to walk on and a beautiful stream (hence the falling waters!!), so I'm looking forward to going back in the future.

I went on a lot of group runs.  I'm not typically someone who likes to run with other people, but I made it my goal during my streak to run with someone else at least once a week.  Luckily, I found a few local girls who like to run on the weekend with me and it's been a lot of fun to get together for runs- sometimes on the road, sometimes on trail.  I really want to start improving with my running and reaching some key milestones (1:45 half and 4:00 marathon), so I know that running with other people will only help me!

That's all I've got for today- let me know what's new by linking up below!


  1. I think we all know what is new with me LOL. I was dying over your trip to Mexico. Because of Zika, it is going to be a long, long time before I get to go back to my happy place.

  2. Wow amazing job on the running streak! Sounds like such a great month!!! Looking forward to hearing where you decide to travel next ;)

  3. Yay for group runs! Hope to come out soon. And I've been wanting to see falling water! Looks like a great month!

  4. Ooh I'd love to try SUP but as a very clumsy person I'm a little concerned, ha! Of course I'm very interested to read all about your trip to Mexico, I've not done proper all inclusive since I was a child (unless you count a cruise?) I think, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts on it!

  5. Falling Water looks so peaceful! And travelling -- well, once you get bit by that bug, there's no stopping it. :)

  6. Count me in for Cobblehaus! I just discovered it a week or two ago, the website I mean, not the actual place, and it's pretty close to us, so it would be super easy to bip down on a weeknight after dinner. Yayyyy!

  7. I'd love to see Falling Water in person!

    My dogs would not stand for SUP. LOL

  8. I can't believe I haven't been to Fallingwater yet! I really need to go soon. We're going to North Country this weekend for their Brew Fest! They have pretty great food there - we should go sometime :)

    Also - can't believe our vegan Pirates game is next month already!


  9. Falling Water is gorgeous! I've heard of running streaks and had a coworker tell me it was a thing. I'm so interested in it, especially for those who can just throw on shoes and do a mile in like 7 minutes and then go live their lives... maybe one day I'll be there!

  10. You live the life I can only dream about. :( But that's OKAY. 😭

  11. You stay SO active! Physically, musically, travel-wise! That's awesome!
    Falling Water is a super neat place- I went a looong time ago.
    I'm currently working on getting the husband & I kayaks. Any suggestions on kayaks/paddles/etc.? Also, I want to take the dog(s) with us so any tips there would be awesome, too! Haha!

  12. Sounds like a really good month. The trip to Mexico sounds amazing. I hear you on the crafty stuff... I've been so lazy the last couple of weeks and just wanted to be outside, but maybe we'll get back to crafts in the fall :)

  13. Omg I would love to learn how to paddle board with our pups! And the yoga sounds really cool too. I'm totally with you on the travel, everytime we go on a trip I get a serious bug to plan the next one!

  14. Looks like you've been busy! It'll be interesting to hear about Isla Mujeres. I've only been there on a day trip about 14 years ago.

  15. girl you are killing it with your run streak! i need to do something streak-y again. that sounds weird lol. i definitely find it helps, knowing you don't want to break your streak.

  16. I love SUP yoga (and SUP in general!). I'd love to try it with a dog. I'm not sure that any of my dogs can be trusted, though. Ha! Sounds like you had a great month!

  17. All these pics are gorgeous! Looks like you had a great month!


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