Buffalo Creek Training Week 5

...and just like that, I'm at the half way point of training.  Things continued to go well this week, with a perfect speed workout to start off the week and another 10 miler to end the week.  In between these two workouts I took a quick trip to Baltimore.  Overall- a successful week.  Here's a look at what I did:


7 miles / 8:24 pace
Amazing workout today! 8x800m repeats at my half goal pace. Last time I did this workout (back at the beginning of the year) I couldn't finish and pretty much gave up on my training after that. This time around I was nervous but promised myself I would finish. Ended up CRUSHING it! My goal was 4:00 per 800 to meet my goal pace. Ended up running 3:53 for my first repeat, and took a few seconds off each time until I got to a 3:35. I still felt good so for my 8th repeat I went all out and got a 3:10!!  I'm really proud of myself for mentally pushing past this workout and physically having the speed to hit my paces.


5 miles / 9:20 pace
Easy run before work.  I actually talked about this day in a post last week if you want to see what I ate and did all day long!


Stand-Up Paddleboarding / 2 hours
It was such a beautiful day out, so Dan and I headed out to the lake to do some kayaking and paddleboarding.  It was my first time going out on my own board, and it was so much fun!


3 miles / 9:46 pace
I went on a nice and easy run around my neighborhood before work.  It's looking so fall-y outside and I'm loving it :)


Rest Day
I headed to Baltimore with Alexa for Natural Product Expo East on Thursday after work, and we got plenty of exercise by walking all over the city and expo.  I ended up with just under 9 miles for the day!  I'll definitely be talking more about the expo in an upcoming post, but it was such a fun trip with lots of yummy food that we tried out.


4 miles / 9:32 pace
Since we were still in Baltimore and staying in Fells Point, I decided to go on an easy run around Patterson Park.  It's a really nice park with lots of paths, parks, and a little lake.  I could have easily done 10 more miles (especially if I ran by the harbor) but kept it short.


10 miles / 9:41 pace
Super humid day today but I got it done! Same route as last week's but ended with the lodge loop. Really happy that I took a little time off even if I ended with the hard part!  I even got to see Steffany as she ended her own 10 mile run!

Do you like to run when visiting new cities?
What is your least favorite speed workout?


  1. Oooooh 800s HURT LIKE A BITCH. Nicely done, Gretch! Woohooo!!! I hate all speed work. Actually, I hate it but I love it too. I love the feeling I have afterward when I nailed the paces. I feel like the queen of the world! You are doing AMAZING! I'm so excited for you! 5 weeks!

  2. I feel the same way about it...love the feeling after but it sucks while you're running!

  3. I even don't know what is better for me: to take a bus or to walk. I use bus after work when I need to go to a gym. My training lasts for an hour and the walk from work to home lasts the same. The road by bus is 30 minutes. Sometimes it's better to walk then drive to a gym and to save some extra time for other things. Some reviews on https://rewardedessays.com say that a lot of people make same decision today and save their nerves and money.


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