WIAW : Halfway Point

Hi everyone!  It's been a while, so I thought it was the perfect time for another Day in the Life/What I Ate Wednesday post.  I'm approaching the halfway point of my half marathon training (this is week 5 of 10!) and work has been very busy with our new app launching and anticipating iOS and Apple product changes.  It's never a boring day at work and today was no different!

Here's a look at yesterday:

5:30 Wake up.  Lately I've been going to the gym before work, so all I have to do in the morning is take care of Selma, change into my gym clothes, and grab my bag that's full of work clothes and my lunch!

6:00 Leave for work.  Dan drops me off downtown, so I eat a chia pouch and drink some coffee to get something in my stomach.  I used to have applesauce pouches, but I found these larger pouches at Sam's Club and I love them!  They're full of greens, chia seeds, and parsley and taste great!  I like to just have a little something before working out.

6:15 Drop my stuff off at the gym and go for a run on the River Trails.  I had a hard speed workout on Monday, so I took this nice and easy!  5 miles with views like this pass by really quickly.  When I get back to the gym, I quickly shower and get changed for work.  My gym's right across the street from my office, so it's a quick commute.

7:15 Once I'm at work and log in to check my calendar and emails, I eat a leftover cinnamon roll.  Every once in a while I pick up a can of Trader Joe's cinnamon rolls to make.  They're SO delicious, even if they're not the healthiest choice ;)  I finish up my coffee while I eat it, which is a toasted coconut cold brew that I made on Sunday during my weekly meal prep!

8:00 Today is more busy than usual, with a day packed full of meetings.  I work on an Agile product team, which means that we have daily work meetings to go over new features with our developers, go over designs, and discuss upcoming projects.  I love that our team is really collaborative and it's a great atmosphere!

11:00 We all take a break for lunch (I had a homemade vegan sushi bowl).  After I'm done eating, I head over to the Milkshake Factory for a free chocolate shake (yay for random food holidays!)  I absolutely love the decor of the Factory, and the milkshake was delicious.  I don't eat dairy often any more, so I didn't feel great afterwards.

1:00 Back to the office to watch the Apple Event.  Since we work in app development, we always have to stay up-to-date on new technology.  I had to take notes on the presentation and changes to the new iOS, Apple Watch, iPhone 8 and X to create a report for my team for the impacts and opportunities to our app.  It's always a lot of fun to see what the future of technology is, but I have to admit that the announcement was a little disappointing.  What do you all think?

2:00 2 more hours of meetings- a demo from one of our vendors for a project I'm leading, and my team's biweekly meeting.  I have a few minutes break in between, so I finish up my lunch - potato salad and apple crisp.

4:15 Time to go home!  There are a few extra detours on my bus ride home, but that just gives me more time to listen to podcasts or read.  Plus, the view isn't too bad ;)

5:15 Make it home, take out Selma, pick up our weekly CSA box (which was packed with tomatoes, peppers, apples, lettuce, green beans, squash, and APPLE CIDER!!!).  I also squeeze in 10 minutes of yoga to stretch out.

5:30 Cook dinner.  I made a pretty simple meal- Dan Dan Noodles from the Thug Kitchen 101 Cookbook.  It's basically noodles with bok choy and browned tempeh, with a delicious tahini sauce and cucumbers.  It came together pretty quickly and made for a delicious and filling dinner!

6:40 I work on this post while I finish dinner, then quickly do the dishes and head out for Trivia Tuesday!  It's the best part of my week, even though my team gets last pretty much every week.  It's all about the fun, right?  Update- definitely got last today.  Our score was in the 50's and the winner had over 120.  BUT we had a BLAST tonight!

9:00 Stopped at Target and Giant Eagle on the way home to pick up a few things.  Luckily there's one on the way home from trivia, so it takes pretty much no time.  I did buy a few things that I didn't need, like pumpkin K-cups for work, a new running top, and a Kristin Ess finishing spray (pretty much obsessed with her Instagram lately so I had to try it out!).

9:45 Got home, packed up my bag for the morning, packed my lunch, and got ready for bed.  Ready to do it all again in the morning!!

What are your days like?
Favorite breakfast?
Cold brew or hot coffee?


  1. I'm impressed at your workouts before work! It's so convenient your gym is across from your work. I have a gym here at work but never use it.

    1. It's so great to get it over with early in the morning!

  2. Sounds like a busy busy day. Great meals though. I love busy days, i hate to be idle ! I like cold brew in the summer and hot in the winter.

  3. I love days like that, packed full but all really nice things! Your meals sound so super delish; I'd love a recipe for that cold brew :)

  4. We did NOT get last - I mean, sort of, there was another team with less points than us, they just happened to leave after 1 round. But genuinely that was one of the best trivia nights last night!

  5. I'd eat all that healthy stuff if someone made it for me. I live for my hot coffee in the mornings. I make it with my french press, freshly ground Starbucks beans, and coffee cream (sometimes with a little bit of cinnamon). It helps me get out of bed. And then I look forward to my giant glass of wine at the end of the day! It's the little things in life..

    1. Lol that's how Dan is..if I make it he'll eat it ;)

  6. I really need to remember to sign up for a CSA next year. I think about it and then forget, and then get these reminders of what I missed. :) Good job on the workouts before work! Another thing I need to get back to: early morning workouts. I think the days just seem to go smoother after one and I don't have to worry about juggling everything in the evenings to work one in.

    1. It's been so amazing and I recommend everyone try it (if you have one nearby!)


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