One City Marathon Training : 2

Happy Holidays!  This week was definitely a challenge, since I left on Wednesday to visit family for Thanksgiving.  I managed to get in my runs (even if they felt sluggish and harder than last week).  I know I'll have weeks like that, so I'm proud of myself for prioritizing my training and not skipping!

Here's a look at my training this week:

linking up with SteffHolly and Tricia!


Spin at CycleBar / 1 hour
I went to a class at a local spin studio with Class Pass and loved it!  I had such a great full-body workout and had a blast.  One thing that's great about this studio is that stats are emailed after the class so you know exactly how well you did.  I ended up getting 7th place in the class I took (out of about 20 people) so I was pretty happy with that!


3 miles / 9:48 pace
This was my first morning run with all of the Christmas lights on downtown!  It was so pretty and I had a great, easy run by the river.


5 miles / 9:04 pace
Workout today was 1 mile warmup, 3 at marathon race pace, 1 mile cool down.  My race pace goal is 8:57, and I really had to reel myself in.  Every time I looked down at my watch I was way too fast, but it felt so great and easy (not a bad problem to have this early on, eh?).  Splits ended up being 8:44, 8:45, 8:43.  At least I was consistent I guess!


4.3 miles / 9:18 pace
Happy Thanksgiving :)  We drove out to Bradford to visit with Dan's family on Wednesday afternoon, and went for a run on Pitt Bradford's campus.  There's a nice trail that runs along a little creek, so I did 1 mile with Dan then 3.3 alone.  When I finished up, Dan had Tim Hortons (my favorite coffee) waiting for me.  No better start to a holiday!


Rest Day!  No running, but we took the dogs for a long walk since it was such a beautiful day.


12 miles / 9:32 pace
We left Bradford in the morning, and ended up getting home around 12:00.  I still had to get my run in, so I headed out as soon as we got home.  I knew I couldn't go running on Sunday, so it was either suck it up or skip my long run on week 2.  I got it done, but it didn't feel very good.  Four days of not eating well made me feel so sluggish and sick- but a bad run is better than no run.


Rest Day!

How was your week?
Did you go anywhere for Thanksgiving?
Did you #OptOutside or do Black Friday shopping?


  1. Nice work getting your miles in while still making time for family and friends (and food!). I had a couple of rough runs last week due too drinking a little bit too much wine last week and I'm vowing to eat healthier and hydrate better this week so I don't have to repeat that anytime soon.

  2. Good job on getting those runs in! I stayed home for Thanksgiving and had my parents over for dinner. I was off work for 10 days, and it flew by because my kids were home too. We did a lot of fun stuff though!

  3. Great article, love your sharing so much, thank you!


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