One City Marathon Training : 5

This was such a great week and one that I really needed!  Since I took some time off during my trip to Hawaii, I was nervous about this upcoming week.  I had a long run on the schedule (16) and some higher mileage during the week.  I knew this could be the turning point in my training (even though it's still really early and I have a long way to go), so I put a lot of pressure on myself to get back on track.  Keep reading to see how I ended up doing!

linking up with SteffHolly and Tricia!


Rest Day!
(aka recovery from a long day of traveling and being back at work)


5 miles / 8:58 pace
I had a dentist appointment, so I was working from home and able to get this run done at lunch time.  There was some snow and it was pretty chilly outside, but I loved it!  Nothing is better to me than running in a snowy winter wonderland.  I had my watch away during this run and just ran by feel and kept it easy.  I guess the colder weather agrees with me because I haven't seen these numbers for an easy run in a while!


Rest Day!


4 miles / 8:54 pace
1 mile warmup, 2 miles at 7:55-8:00, 1 mile cool down. Felt pretty good, a little soreness since this was my first speed work in a while!  In my plan I was actually supposed to do 3 miles at tempo pace, but wasn't feeling great and was running late for work so I cut it back to 2.


Rest Day!


5 miles / 8:54 pace
I went to see The Last Jedi in the morning with Dan's work (quick opinion-meh, not my favorite in the series but cute), so I waited until the afternoon to go for a run.  That was a great move because the weather was beautiful!  The sun was shining and the temperatures went above freezing, so I was loving this run.  


16 miles / 9:45 pace
This was my longest run in a LONG time, and luckily I had some friends along to keep the miles rolling!  Ran 3 laps of North Park with Steffany, who was doing 20 miles, and was joined by Sara for 5 and Jessie for the next 6.  I was a little nervous about this run since I haven't done a "long run" or double digits in 3 weeks, and I was calling this my "make or break long run" for marathon training.  If I couldn't make it, I would reconsider signing up.  Since it felt so great and I still have lots of time to train, looks like I'm all in!  At the end, my body felt great but my feet were a bit sore.  I'll have to look at how I tie my shoes and see if I can switch it up to relieve some hot spots.

How was your week?
Is it snowing where you are?
What do you prefer- hot runs or cold runs?


  1. I really love the graphic that you put together for your training this week - so cool!
    We actually got snow 3x last week, but luckily it was only a few inches (1-4) each time.

  2. I prefer running in cold - but any snow/ice on the ground makes me nervous and I won't run. Unfortunately, I moved to an area that doesn't get much snow ... mostly ice.

  3. Great job! You're going to rock Newport! Running in the cold makes me feel like such a badass, especially since there aren't as many runners on the trails in the morning. :)


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