Hall of Fame Marathon Training : 1

Happy Monday everyone!  This was a very weird week, because the temperature was yo-yo-ing all over the place.  It seems like Pittsburgh isn't the only city that experienced this, at least according to the #MotherNatureIsDrunk I've seen all over social media.  It was nice to have a few nice, warm days!

This was technically week one of my marathon training since I switched over to my new race!  I have 15 more weeks to go until race day, and I'm feeling so strong.  I didn't miss any runs this week, and I have been continuing the TRUE 30 Day Yoga Challenge with Yoga with Adriene!  It's been great to stretch out every day and get in some core exercises as well!

Here's a look at how my week of training went:


Rest Day!


7 miles / 9:20 pace
This run happened in two parts.  I was planning on running before work, but unfortunately everything was iced over and I ended up doing more ice skating than running!  So, I finished the run after work at North Park which was completely clear.  It was the perfect temperature outside and this run felt so great.


6.5 miles / 8:55 pace
I headed out to the park again for my speed workout for the week!  My plan was a mile warmup, 2x2 miles at tempo pace (8:00) with a mile jog in between, and a mile cool down.  This workout went great and I hit my paces perfectly.


Rest Day!


5 miles / 9:14 pace
Pittsburgh got hot all of a sudden, so this run was perfect!  I was overdressed and got super sweaty immediately, but I was just happy to not be freezing for once.

700 yard swim
I found a plan online to help me swim further (it's like a couch to 5k for swimming) and this was day one!  The plan had me doing 4x100 yards, 4x50, 4x25 for a total of 700 yards.  I felt great during this and can feel myself getting better already! I'm still super slow, but I took off nearly 3 minutes on my time from last week when I swam 700 yards.  I'm happy with that!


3.1 miles / 10:19 pace
Good bye warm temperatures, hello cold and snow!  We got dumped on with about 6 inches of snow, and it was back to single degree temperatures.  I went on a quick run outside, and it was tough to run on the unplowed roads!  My Yak Trax helped somewhat, but I kept the pace nice and easy and slow (not that I could have run any faster if I tried!)


10 miles / 9:40(ish) pace
Today was such a frustrating day!  It started out with a dead car battery, then our second car wasn't able to make it out of our driveway thanks to all the snow. Then, I decided to run around my neighborhood after the Steelers lost (urgh) and mapped out a nice 10 miler.  I felt amazing, the weather felt cold but not too cold, and the roads were nice and clear!  I'm out there enjoying my run and a nice podcast, when all of a sudden my phone dies (weird because I charged before I went).  I finish up my run in silence and not tracking it, and charge my phone back at home and it's still fully charged.  I was happy to have a good run in, but annoyed that it didn't count on Strava towards my Lululemon 40/80 challenge.  Oh well!

How was the weather where you are?
Do you ever have a day where everything seems to go wrong?


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