Hall of Fame Marathon Training : 3

I'm not going to sugar coat it- this was a bad week for me.  It started off really well, then I got hit with a crazy virus that has been going all around the office and kept me in bed for a few days.  On the bright side, I didn't miss any work (since it started on Friday), but I missed two runs this week.  I'd rather have a week like this early on instead of during peak week, so hopefully the worst is behind me.

Here's a look at how my training went this week:


Rest Day


3 miles / 9:58 pace
I was feeling kind of stiff and sore from my long run on Sunday, so I took this run nice and easy.


5 miles / 9:04 pace
Tempo run!  I did an easy mile warmup, then two miles at tempo and two miles to cool down.  It was snowing pretty heavily during this run, but temperature wise it felt great.  For some reason when it's snowing, I don't feel cold.  No clue why that is, but I would always prefer running in snowy weather over no precipitation, cold, windy day.  My tempo miles ended up averaging 7:58 pace, which was a little faster than my goal of 8:00.  Still better than I usually do with pacing myself though!


Rest Day!


6 miles / 9:18 pace
I headed to the park for an easy run.  I did 1 mile with Selma and then 5 alone.  I was starting to feel a little sick so I made sure to keep it easy and rested the rest of the night.

Saturday and Sunday

Sick Days :(
Friday night I ended up getting a fever, and all day Saturday and Sunday I was stuck in bed.  I was feeling a little better on Sunday but decided it was a better idea just to stay in and rest instead of making things worse.  I was so mad to not get in my runs when the weather was so nice, but what can you do!  I did manage to get a little fresh air when I took Selma for a quick walk, but even that tired me out!


  1. I hate when a cold or other virus hits when I just want to run! Hopefully you feel better and you won't have to worry about another illness before your race. :)


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