Hall of Fame Marathon Training : 4

Another week done, and thankfully this was a cutback week!  I definitely needed it because I still wasn't feeling 100% after recovering from whatever sickness I had last week.  I'm finally feeling more like myself, and hope that next week I'll be back to my normal mileage.  This week I also finished my 30 days of yoga challenge, and fit in two swims.  Here's how the week went:


Rest Day!


3 miles / 9:25 pace
I was finally feeling better, so I went out for an easy run after work.  Of course it was freezing out so it wasn't a ton of fun, but I was just happy to be outside and running again!


1200 yards swimming
I headed to the pool after work to get in a swim.  This week's workout was 400 yards, 200 yards, 4x100 yards, 4x50 yards.  It was my first time doing circle swimming at the gym since there were lessons going on, so I was happy to be able to keep up with everyone else and didn't get passed at all!


6 miles / 9:30
Went for an easy run with hills.  Another cold, cold day.  Really starting to feel over winter this year and looking forward to warmer days!


Rest Day!


8 miles / 9:45 pace
I met up with Jessie and Steff for my long run.  I was so happy to have friends to run with, because it was cold out (again) and I had no motivation to run.  The miles went by so quickly and we were done before I realized it!  


6 miles / 9:23 pace
I headed out for another easy run, and it ended up sleeting the entire time.  I only made it four miles before I decided to do my final two at the gym before going for a swim.  This was one of those days where I had to question myself for training for a spring race, because it's hard to run through awful weeks like this.

1200 yards swimming
I did the same workout as Wednesday.  It seemed to go a lot better this time and I felt really strong!  I even finished two minutes faster, which made me happy.


  1. This winter seems so much longer/drearier than usual. But good job on getting in the workouts! I don't know what I'd prefer - training for a spring half or full in the winter with the cold and ice or with the heat/humidity of the summer for a fall race.

    1. True..there's no good option unless you live somewhere where the weather doesn't fluctuate a lot...


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