Hall of Fame Marathon Training : 5

Thirty miles always seems like such a milestone for me in training.  Any week that I don't hit it, I feel like I didn't run enough.  If I go over I feel so proud of myself and count that week as a win.  The past few weeks were less than ideal, and I missed that number (by a pretty large margin), so the fact that I got it this week makes me so happy and proud of myself.  I'm back!

Here's a look at how my week went:


Rest Day!


4 miles / 9:25 pace
Treadmill run!  I got to run before work, but didn't really want to run while it was single digits out with icy sidewalks.  Kept it nice and easy on the treadmill with a progression run to keep from going crazy.


 Rest Day!
We got a ton of snow and ice overnight, and it continued to snow/rain/sleet throughout the day.  I actually stayed at home and did not leave my house at all the entire day!


5 miles / 8:24 pace
Another speed workout on the treadmill because the sidewalks downtown were a mess, and the trail that I usually run on was flooded.  I did 3 miles at tempo pace (8:00) with a mile warmup and cool down.


5 miles / 9:31 pace
I probably could have run outside, but I had to run on my lunch break and didn't feel like lugging all of my winter running clothes into work.  To keep myself entertained, I did a pyramid workout.  I started at 6.0 mph, worked my way up to 7.0 mph, then back down.  I adjusted the speed every half mile so this helped pass the time a lot faster.


3.1 miles / 8:51 pace
Over the weekend it warmed up pretty well, so I took this run outside!  Dan and Selma joined me for the first mile, then I went off on my own.  I felt so great and was really excited to be outside again, so I ended up going faster than expected.


16 miles / 9:32 pace
You know that saying- if you want God to laugh, tell him your plans?  This run reminded me of that.  All week I was whining and complaining about the cold weather, so I was excited to see it warm up over the weekend.  I went out on my run, and after I was a mile in, it started to pour down rain.  Since it was still in the 40s, the rain was really cold, and all the melted snow and ice made huge puddles everywhere.  I was soaked from the beginning and my watch kept glitching, but I had to tell myself that this is what I get for complaining about the cold when I should just be appreciative of being able to run at all (and having access to a treadmill).  This was a mentally tough run for me, so I was really proud of myself when I completed the run and had such a good pace!


  1. Nice work on your very wet long run. We just got a ton of snow this weekend and it is supposed to warm up to the 40s later this week. I'm sure it is going to create a wet, puddle-y mess for running...but I guess that is better than ice.

    1. Thanks Heather! It's supposed to get a bit warmer this week too, and of course we got a few more inches yesterday ;) Anything is better than ice!


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