Top Five Friday : Snowing Again

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! Can you believe that it's March already? Everyone says that February seemed to fly by since it's the shortest month, but it always seems long to me. It wasn't the best month and just dragged along, so I'm happy to be on the other side and into March. One step closer to warmer weather! Here's what my favorites were this week! linking up with Erika , Heather , and Friday Five Song Twenty One Pilots This week has been really hectic and busy at work, so I had to put on music that can really get me into the zone. For me, that's always Twenty One Pilots. They're one of my favorite bands, and their music is just the perfect background when I'm having a busy day. I like to listen to their Pandora station for some variety, or just stream all of their albums on Spotify! Podcast The Death of Dr. John Parker I'm not sure if I've mentioned this podcast before, but...