Triathlon Training : Week 3

Week three is now in the books for triathlon training!  With the big race only 2 short months away, it's starting to feel real. While I'm starting to feel more confident in my ability to actually finish the race, I'm still anxious about trying something new.  Training has been a ton of fun, though, so if nothing else- I've enjoyed the experience!

Here's a look at how my third week of training went-


1500 yard swim
This was my first swim where my average pace was under 2:00/100 yard (I snuck right under at 1:58!).  My plan for this was to swim easy for 10:00, then alternate 100 yards swimming hard with 100 yards easy for 800 total yards, then cool down until I hit 30:00.


Strength / 1 hour
I took a class at Beat Fitness, which is a boot camp/circuit-style class.  There were four different stations, and each station had two exercises.  We would do three 3:00 sets with a 30 second rest in between each set, for a total of 12 sets.  The exercises were all really fun and hit different muscle groups- dumbbell row, deficit lunge, bar row, weighted club swings, ski erg/rower, sit-ups, toe touches, and lateral lunges.  Another interesting aspect of the class was that we did the exercises barefoot, which made it even more challenging!  I really liked the class and the upbeat atmosphere, so I'll definitely be back.


 5 mile bike
After work, Dan and I went over to North Park for a loop around the lake.  This was my first time doing a full lap around, which I've always been a bit afraid of because at one point, there's only a small pedestrian lane and bikers ride out on the road.  Plus, it gets a bit hilly which means I'll be going faster!  Dan gave me a challenge of not braking on the downhills, but I ended up surprising myself by feeling completely comfortable the whole time!  My overall pace was a lot faster than usual, so I was really proud of myself for this ride.


Rest Day!


1000 yard swimming
This swim felt really great!  I went after work, and the entire pool was pretty much empty.  I was able to swim non stop and added in a few sprints in the middle.


10 mile run
I woke up nice and early to run with my run squad at the soon-to-open Pro Bike and Run at North Park!  There was an run organized by the store with lots of different course options, and we chose to do a lake loop with Irwin Road added on.  We had a mix of road and trail, and had a great run as always!  The miles always fly by when I run with those girls.

2 hour hike
After the run, Dan and Selma wanted to get outside too, so we went to recently re-opened Fall Run Park.  It was my first time there, and I loved it!  The trail was beautifully maintained, and the creek/waterfall was gorgeous.  I'll definitely be back. 



1.5 hour SUP
Dan's dad was visiting for the weekend, so we all went down to the lake for kayaking and SUPing.  It was an overcast, slightly chilly day, so we were pretty much the only ones on the water.  It was a lot of fun!

What new experiences have you tried lately?
Are you a water person?


  1. I'm also training for my firt tri and im really strugglimg with the swimming part. Sounds like you are doing great and really enjoying your trainimg! Are you doing this tri with friends?

    1. Thanks! And good luck to you. I'm also struggling with swimming..definitely that hardest out of the 3 for me! I'm not doing this one with friends but I'm getting a lot of advice from them :)


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