Triathlon Training : One Month Away!

Believe it or not (I sure can't)- it's the final countdown until my first triathlon!  In less than four weeks, I'll be toeing the pool line and getting ready to dive in to this new adventure (jk about diving, I don't know how to do that yet).  

I haven't posted a training update in a while because I was in Hawaii for the past two weeks, and didn't really do any specific workouts while I was there.  I did run in a race and do lots of active things, but I'll share those in a separate post.  For today, I'm going to look back at last week and how training went!


Rest Day!
This day can also be known as struggle city.  I traveled home from Hawaii on Sunday, and because of the time difference got back around 6AM in Pittsburgh and immediately worked.  I ended up being up for about 35 hours straight, so working out was definitely not in my cards.


2 mile run
I was still not feeling fully recovered, but I wanted to at least get in a little workout.  I went to the park after work for a quick run.  It was HOT (we got a heat wave like most places) but it actually felt amazing!


 6.5 mile bike
I woke up early and thanks to the holiday got to go for a bike ride before it was too warm out.  I met up with my mom for this ride, and we went on a nice and easy ride on the river trail.   


BEAT Fitness
I made it back for my favorite strength training class!  For these circuits, we got to do a TON of squats.  There were goblet squats, step out squats, sumo bar squats, Bosu ball squats, and more!  It was a fun workout that went by really quickly, but I felt it for a few days after.


Rest Day!
Legs were too sore to do anything, so I just relaxed and took Selma out for a walk.


5 mile run
I met up with Steffany and Maddie for this run, and we enjoyed the cooler temperatures.  I was still really sore, so this was a struggle for me!

700 yard swim
After the run, I immediately went to the pool to get in a swim.  I was surprised that I didn't feel like I lost any fitness with my swimming (I'm not that fast to begin with, so I guess there's not much to lose!).  This was a good test, since the swim portion of my race is 700 yards, and this felt relatively easy.

5 mile hike
Since it was such a nice day and I felt bad for leaving Selma all morning, I decided to take her on a hike at Hartwood Acres.  This is a nearby park that I've only visited a few times, and I need to go more. There are so many trails and roads to explore!


10 mile bike
I met up early again with my mom for this bike ride.  We did the triathlon course (minus a small section that goes on a semi-busy road that I wanted to avoid).  The course is pretty tough with lots of short steep-ish hills, so I know I need to practice more and work on changing gears.  I also got to test out a triathlon suit that I found on Amazon, and it worked pretty well!
2 mile run
After the bike, I wanted to work on transitioning to running.  I surprised myself by keeping an 8:30 average pace and it felt really good!  Next time I want to do the actual running course so I can get used to the trail we'll be running on, but this was still a good test for me.

Did you get the heat wave last week??  How did you deal?
Have you done a triathlon before?


  1. Great pace for that post bike run! I'm so excited for you- what date is the tri?? I want to come watch!

  2. That's a great Post thanks For sharing with us.


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