January Goals

Happy New Year! What did you do to celebrate the start of a new decade? This was one of the first years that I was actually home (we got back from vacation on December 30), but I stayed in and rested! 

I'm back at work today, so it seems like the new year is finally starting. Today I'm kicking off the new year by sharing my goals for the new month. Let me know what your goals are in the comments!

First, let's start with seeing how I did with my December goals...

No spend (minus trips)

I would say that I did this goal pretty well but it wasn't a completely no-spend month.  There were a few times that I hung out with friends (especially the week that I tracked my spending), but it was definitely a lower spend month than normal! I packed my lunch every day, didn't pay for any coffee out, and also limited any eating out.

Gym 3 times a week

This one definitely did not happen. When I got home from Portugal, I got a really bad cold and was bedridden for about a week! So, didn't gym at all then. I did manage to go 5 times in December (which isn't bad considering one week I was sick and one week we were on vacation and hiking every day). I also ran outside a few days, so I count this one as a semi-win.


Nailed this one! I got rid of a ton of junk all over my house. Still have a lot more I can get rid of, so I'll try to keep this habit going in January as well.

Now on to my January goals! I used to do annual resolutions,  but I find monthly goals much easier to complete. Since it's the start of a new year/decade, I'm going to try to make these a bit more ambitious!

Dry January

That's right- a full month of no drinking! I enjoy having a beer or a glass of wine after work and going out to breweries with friends, but at the end of the day that's not super healthy and is also expensive! I'm actually hoping to continue this into February!

30 Days of Yoga

I start every year with Yoga with Adriene's 30 days challenge. I love adding this to my daily routine and I'm excited to get started this year. Find out more info if you want to join along here!

Do Something Creative

Last year, I took watercolor classes at a local community college and I loved it! I'm always happy when I'm creating something, so my goal for January is to spend time each day being creative. Can't wait to see what I can make this month!

German Lessons

Later this year, Dan and I are taking a trip to Germany! I want to be able to communicate more than my typical "Hello, please, thank you", so I'm starting lessons this month! Let's see if I can say anything at the end of the month...

Read 3 Books

Not a lofty goal, but I have to start somewhere! I always get on and off reading bandwagon, and I'm hoping to get back ON! I'm planning on getting rid of all of my streaming services again this month (I do this every year at this time and then get them back during the holidays), so I want to spend time reading when I have free time.


  1. That is so exciting that you're going to Germany.... let's practice! Guten Tag, wie geht es dir?? :)


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