Cap City Half Training : Week Two

Hi everyone! I'm back from a great and relaxing vacation with some friends to Cancun. I skipped a week of training (which was smartly built into my training plan), so here's a look back at 2 weeks ago and my workouts. Now that I'm back from the beach it's time to get back in gear! Wish me luck :)


3 mile run
I had the day off for Presidents' Day, which meant I could sleep in and still get in a run before dark! It was a gorgeous day out, so I took advantage by heading to a park that I've never run in before- Hartwood Acres. I forgot how hilly it is there and took this run nice and slow!

3 mile walk
I still had a few hours left in the day so I headed to another park with Selma for a walk.


15 minute racquetball
Little warm up to get woken up at 5AM! I wasn't really in the mood to play, so it wasn't too much of a workout and mostly just lazing around the court until I decided to lift.

20 minute arms
Luckily, I was much more into my weights and ended up getting in a great workout. I did curls, triceps kickback, triceps press, shoulder press, lateral raise, and planks.


5.5 mile run
I typically run in the morning on Wednesdays since I work from home, but this day I had to go in to the office. I switched up my run till after work and met up with Kelsey and Jessie for the second speed work of training! Today was one of my favorites- smooth miles- 3x1 mile at 10-20 seconds over goal race pace. Our goal is 8:15 pace, so we were aiming for 8:25-8:35. Our reps ended up being 8:21, 8:22, and 8:19. This workout felt so good, even though I tried a new fuel before that didn't really sit well in my stomach. Lesson learned!


30 minute bike
Nice and easy warmup on the bike to stretch out my legs post-speed work!

20 minute core
Crunches, oblique twist, assisted dip, plank, and lat pull-down. 


7 miles
I worked from home and got in my long run during lunch since I was traveling on Saturday! I met up with Kelsey and we ran 5 miles together. For the final two, I picked up the pace and did a "last mile fast mile" of 7:54. Felt really good I was also happy to have the run out of the way so I could enjoy vacation.

Saturday - Saturday

I did go on a few walks and did aqua fit a few times, but mostly just enjoyed time off.


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