April Goals + Highlights

Wow, what a weird experience it was to look back on my March Goals post and realize how much things have changed in the past month. I had just gotten back from a trip to Cancun and was excited to start my new book club and train for my half marathon. Now, other trips I had planned for this year are off the table, I hosted my first (virtual!) book club meeting to discuss our first pick, and my race is on hold. I'm glad to be back blogging at this time just to look back years in the future and see what was happening at this crazy time.

Things weren't all bad in March- my highlight of the month was the very first week when travel was still allowed. Dan and I visited friends in Cleveland for a quick weekend- stopping by a few breweries and going to a Cavaliers game (back when there were live sports!). It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to get the opportunity to see friends in person again.

Now let's take a look at my goals from March...

Dive into Half Marathon Training

Well- I guess we can cross this one off the list! As I mentioned before, my half marathon is officially postponed until August (which, at this point also seems out of the question). I have been training a lot though, but have not been running as much as usual. I've been loving taking Peloton classes lately and have been feeling stronger and healthier than ever. (add me if you have an account! Gub117!)

Finish Four Books

Done and done! This month I read The Turn of the Key, The Friend Zone, Full Circle, and State of the Union. I'll be sharing my reviews and thoughts tomorrow.

Catch up on Travel Posts

Working on it! I did finish my posts from Portugal (check them all out here!) and also shared a big post of all things Zion National Park. I have a few more that I'd like to do from that same trip, so I'll have to keep this one going.

Donate and Declutter

I did pretty well with this in March. I ended up donating that big pile of clothes that was in my bedroom and have gone through to get rid of clutter, but I didn't really stick to anything official like I was planning. Oh well!

Spring Cleaning!

This is another goal that kind of went by the wayside this month. It seems kind of pointless now to get things really clean (my best motivation is always having people over). But- slowly and surely I'm working on getting this done. I already did the bedroom and cleaned all of the windows inside and out this past week. My goal is to get through one room a day, even if I'm the only one who will appreciate it.

Phew! Now let's move on to some fun, quarantine-friendly goals for April

Be Active Daily

Being active lately is one of the things I've been looking forward to on a daily basis and what I think is helping keep me sane. Since I'm still in the Peloton free trial, I'll be able to try out lots of classes and track my goal in the app! I also want to keep going for walks or runs around my neighborhood (unfortunately parks around me are getting too crowded to visit) just to get fresh air.

Work on Two Crafts

I've been feeling super creative lately, and my goal is to get through two projects this month. I have a few that are just sitting around half finished, so it'll be fun to accomplish something and share it all with you!

Support a Local Business Every Friday

While I've been doing my part by staying in, I still want to support all of my local businesses. This can be done by ordering takeout, buying gift cards, doing curb-side beer pickups, and more. I want to make it a point every Friday to highlight a business and give them some support when they need it the most.

Work on a Vegetable Garden

Last year I decided that this would be the year I would start an actual garden. While I might not be able to pick up supplies or plants right now, I want to get everything in place so it's ready to go when stores open up again. I need to work on my plans and also start turning the soil to get it all ready to go! Hopefully I'll learn enough along the way to share and inspire all of you to start your own garden..fingers crossed.

Hang in there!! We can do this :)
linking up with Kristen for What's New With You?


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