When Training Becomes Therapy

We made it another week, and this new routine is starting to feel more normal day by day. I keep telling myself- this isn't forever and I can make it through this. You can too.

Here's a look back at my week of workouts, which was all over the place....in a pretty good way. I'm starting to feel like the best part of my day is the hour or so I can spend being active. I feel my body getting stronger, but also feeling like it's my therapy to get out any negative emotions and turn my mind more positive. If I start to feel panicky or scare- time for yoga. If I feel angry or upset- hit the roads for a hard run. If I'm happy that it's a beautiful day and I have no plans to keep me busy - get out with Selma for a walk. I hope you also find your own version of therapy and it helps you through this time!


10 min Bodyweight Strength with Becs Gentry
Quick strength workout at lunchtime- this one had some legs, arms, and abs. It was hard but went by really fast.

30 min Power Walk with Jess Sims
Post- work walk with my favorite instructor! Also got my mom and sister to join me virtually. I really liked this walk and got in just over 2 miles with Selma.

30 min Women's History Month Celebration Yoga Flow with Denis Morton
Ended the day with an evening flow. This one felt really nice- some stretches and nice, easy movement. Nothing too difficult!


10 min Stretch with Ally Love
My body was telling me to take a rest day (which I haven't done for weeks probably) so I listened and took it easy. I did this lower body stretch which felt REALLY good and was much needed.


30 min Country Fun Run with Selena Samuela
It felt great to get out during lunch for a run. It was drizzling a bit which meant no one was out- bonus! This run was really fun and the music was fantastic. I like in the Peloton runs how there are little pick ups to keep the fun run and makes it go really quickly.

45 min Hip Hop Yoga Flow with Aditi Shah
This was a fun yoga class! I think this is the first "intermediate" level that I took so far, and it was definitely a challenge. I like how fast-paced Aditi's classes are, and all of the fun little challenges she gives. The class was over before I realized it! My only complaint about it is that the music was so quiet so I couldn't really enjoy the hip hop music.


20 min 90s Pop Fun Walk with Olivia Amato
What a fun walk this was! Some of my favorite throwback music and a nice up-tempo walk. I went on a walk in the trails and didn't see a simple person (even though all the lots at the park were full). Yay for trails!

10 min Arms + Shoulders Strength with Robin Arzon
I got back and did a quick strength workout. I only have small weights so this wasn't too tough of a workout- need to upgrade my equipment...


30 min Tempo Run with Becs Gentry
Woke up early to get in my run before work. It was crisp and sunny out which is perfect! This workout was 3x3 minutes at tempo pace. My goal was to hit 8:00 pace, and my splits ended up being 8:06, 7:43, and 7:43. It felt good to pick up the pace a bit and have a more structured workout to focus on. When I got home I followed up with a 5 min post-run stretch which felt SO good and a big stack of pancakes :)

30 min Restorative Yoga with Ross Rayburn
Man, this felt amazing. Restorative yoga is one of my favorite kinds because you can really relax into poses and calm your mind as well. This one was great, and I got to do it outside in the sun.


30 min 80s Fun Walk with Andy Speer
Another early morning to get in a walk before starting a full day of yard work and cleaning. This was a really fun walk to do and the playlist was awesome. The rest of the day was spent doing "cross training" of moving logs cross the yard and digging up a plot for my vegetable garden! Definitely some strength training there.


45 min Power Walk with Selena Samuela
Morning walk again! I was originally planning on going for a run, but I was SO sore from yard work! This was just what I needed, and was a nice warmup to finish up my work outside (really satisfying moment to clear away the last few pieces from the trees that fell in our yard last year) and washing both our cars. Phew!

Hang in there friends!


  1. Some days I think I'm going to make it and others, I think I'm going to lose my mind! Ugh!
    Seems you've got a good routine going! ��


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