Quarantine Projects

Good morning everyone! I don't know what's gotten into me during the lock-down, but I've gone into project overdrive. Not sure if it's because I feel like I need to be doing something or I'm filling the void that social interaction and having plans left, but I've used this time to cross off all the things I've been putting off in our house. Dan and I sat down and made a list of everything we had to and wanted to do before we would think of selling the house, and I've been checking things off like crazy (and adding more as I go, naturally). Some things are not glamorous like patching holes or deep cleaning the kitchen, but I've had some fun makeovers as well! This is just part one, because I'm already working on some bigger areas (hint- kitchen and bathroom!). Let's look at what I've done so far! Garden This was definitely our biggest project of Quarantine, and the gift that keeps on giving (you can follow the monthly progress here !). ...