Rollercoaster Emotions

Happy (late) Monday! It's honestly been kind of an up and down week for me- some days were great while others I had zero motivation. I've been getting waves of this during the quarantine lately and just go with it and listen to my body. I did have some fun workouts and some fun marathons (from Netflix) so let's look at my week-


1 hour SUP
Best start to the week for me is to be on the water! It was so beautiful out this morning and super quiet (only a few people were at the park, awesome!).

10 min Yoga Flow : Hips with Aditi
Getting started with the week 2 Pelothon challenge- taking two live classes. A friend suggested this class and it was really great- just some nice hip opening stretches with one of my favorite instructors.


5.25 mile run
Apparently the days are getting shorter because this was the first sunrise I've seen heading to a run in a while. I felt really good on this run- it was one of those where I felt like I had to keep holding myself back. At the halfway point I got to see a family of deer (with two cute babies) crossing the road- everyone stopped (bikers, runners, drivers) to let them go and it was adorable.

2 mile hike
Dan was in the mood for a walk after work, so we headed to the park with Selma and hiked the green trail. I liked it so much when I ran on it that I wanted to take them as well. They liked it just as much as I did!


45 min Lil Wayne Ride with Alex
Wowww that was a fun ride. I feel like the instructors have a different kind of energy when it's an artist ride- Alex was so hyped up today!! I was just planning on taking it easy but ended up pushing super hard on this ride and had so much fun. 


45 min Rock Fun Run with Becs
Lots of fun on this run- I liked the playlist a lot and went to a different park to run. It's another park that's nearby but super hilly so I don't run there too much! Today when I visited I noticed that one field was planted with millions of black eyed susans and it was SO stunning..nice little surprise to run into.


30 min Funk Yoga Flow with Chelsea
Starting the day with a little yoga and some fun music. I liked this class a lot- went by super fast- and Chelsea just seemed SO happy and proud to present this music. She told a lot of stories of the musicians and how funk music impacted her life growing up in Dayton. It was awesome!


30 min Y2K Fun Run with Olivia
Slept in a bit, so it was pretty warm by the time I got out for a run. This was supposed to be a fun run, but it was more like an intervals run! We started out with 1 min on, 1 min off, then moved up to 2 min on, 2 min off, and finally 3 min on, 1.5 min off. We finished off with 3 more of the 1 min sprint, 1 min jog. It was really tough!!

30 min Restorative Yoga with Chelsea
Restorative Yoga is my favorite, and I was happy to join the second segment of Tunde and Chelsea's "Breathe In, Speak Up" series. I joined the first one back in June, and learned a lot. Unfortunately I had to miss the ride today, but I joined in for the meditation and restorative yoga. Highly recommend if you have the app, and I will be taking the ride as soon as possible as well.


Rest Day
I don't even know the last day that I had a complete rest day- no activity or "active recovery". I was working early in the morning for a release which ended up lasting a lot longer than expected (always). I didn't get great sleep the night before because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up (typical) so I just fell back asleep after work was done and didn't feel like doing much the rest of the day. I did watch the Kissing Booth 1 and 2 on Netflix as well as rewatch the Twilight saga, so I consider it a productive day.


  1. Hey, I've been having a lot of "those days" this summer. Except mine are usually more like full weeks :). Also it's summer and I just really, really hate running in the heat, so not a lot working in my favor these days. You are right though, we need to give ourselves grace and just roll with the punches. It's not like we have any races coming up! This has been a really rough summer - repeated racial injustices and abuses of power, a pandemic spiraling out of control while we totally fail to contain it - all of that takes a toll on the psyche. We do what we gotta do to get through it. I don't think anyone should blame themselves for the days, weeks, or even full months where fitness isn't exactly high on the priority list. Personally, I am looking forward to the arrival of fall - cooler temps and fewer people out & about will make running a lot more enjoyable, I think!

    1. I'm glad that I'm not the only one going through these major ups and downs. It definitely has to do with what's going on both in the country and world...just seems like everything piling up and then I feel guilty for having the stress get to me when I have nothing to complain about. Then it's just a cycle of feeling bad for feeling bad and on and on. Thanks for the comment <3


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