Chill Out

Hello Fall(ish) weather! We got some amazing weather this week and weekend (finally!) and it felt great to be outside. I'm already looking forward to runs in long sleeves and hikes to see the changing leaf colors. I do love summer, but I'm ready for a little bit of a change. How about you? What's your favorite season?

Here's a look at my week in workouts!


30 min I Love Ibiza Ride with Ben

Had to cross Ben off my instructor list, so I was excited to see he had a fun ride planned for first thing on Monday morning! Nothing like a rave vibe to start off the week. The music was great but I have to say that Ben is too chill for this type of class! I still enjoyed it, but I think Jess King would have killed this one.


10 min Yoga Flow with Kristin

This was a really great quick class! Went through a bunch of postures but didn't feel rushed at all. If you're in a pinch and need a quick flow to stretch out this was a great one.


30 min Classic Rock Fun Run with Matt

LOVED this playlist (including my favorite song Rock and Roll Band!) and the weather was ideal this morning. Things with running haven't really been clicking lately and I haven't been pushing it at all, so it felt good to finally feel smooth and enjoy a run. Hoping this will continue!

30 min The Weeknd Ride with Jess K

I love The Weeknd and was so excited to see he was the next artist featured in the Artist Series! This was a great ride with a good selection of his songs. I also did a 5 minute warm up and cool down with Tunde to round out this workout.


15 min The Weeknd Full Body Stretch with Jess S

Felt a little bit tight in the morning so I took the opportunity to take the next class in the Artist Series! I haven't done a stretch for this long before but it felt really great and really got every muscle. 

30 min The Weeknd Yoga Flow with Anna

You know I had to do this one! This was a super tough class (for me) with different moves and transitions than I'm used to! It was a good challenge and I really pushed myself- I even attempted a handstand which is a first! Plus- the music fit in perfect with the class. Really joined this.

10 min Restorative Yoga with Anna

Perfect way to end the class- this was relaxing and felt amazing. Usually Anna's restorative classes get repetitive for me with the same moves but this one was completely different and I loved it.


20 min HIIT run with Jess

I was just planning on jogging this class, but ended up pushing myself and loved it. There were six sections of intervals that were each 90 seconds long (getting faster and faster each interval). The run went by really quickly and I loved the Jock Jams play list.


30 min Pop Run with Jess

It's been a hot minute since my favorite instructor had a new outdoor class, so I was pumped when I saw this one come up! It was all women of pop and the playlist was amazing. I actually felt great on this run!

20 min Ride

I had to cross off my last few instructors, so I put a few together in a workout. I did a 5 min warm up with Jenn, a 10 min climb with Sam, and a 5 min cool down with Christine. Finished it all up with a stretch with Leanne and had a nice and quick workout.


45 min Hike

It was a gorgeous, cool day out so I had to take Selma out for a hike in the morning. We headed to the park and hit up our favorite trails, which were packed full of people! It felt great out and we had a fun walk.


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