Pressing Pause

Happy Monday everyone! I took last week really easy- didn't really do much in terms of working out, and I think my body and mind really needed that rest. Now I'm feeling back to my normal(ish) self and had a great week. Here's a look at how my week of workouts went!


40 min HIIT Run with Jess Sims
Kicked off the week with a morning run. Felt good to get some speed in my legs after taking a week off of running!

20 min Max Richter Slow Flow with Aditi
Got home just in time to join this yoga class. It was really nice and the music was beautiful.

30 min Club Bangers Ride with Alex
Joined in this class with a few friends and it was so fun! So many good songs and Alex's energy is always my favorite. I was just planning on taking it easy but kind of pushed because I was having so much fun.


20 min Walk + Run with Andy
Took Selma with me on this walk and run class, mostly walked it. 

30 min Advanced Beginner Ride with Hannah C
Lunchtime ride with some friends- one of them hit 50 rides so we were celebrating virtually. I haven't taken a spin class with Hannah yet..still deciding how I feel about her but I like how she explained things about form and the class though.

45 min SUP
Felt like getting out in the evening, so I headed to the park with some paints and my board. Started to paint and the rain came pouring down- pretty fun but wish I had more time out there!


30 min Ellie Goulding Ride with Olivia
I'm a huge fan of Ellie Goulding so I had to join this ride. For some reason it just wasn't clicking with me though so I took it really easy. Wasn't a huge fan of the songs that were picked or the instructor. Oh well!


45 min Marathon Race Prep with Robin
Woke up early to run and was rewarded with perfect weather. Finally having some cooler days and it made a massive difference! I felt like I could run forever and enjoyed this playlist a lot. Even though I'm not training for anything right now (obviously!), it was nice to push a bit. This run had 4 minutes at marathon race pace (MRP), 4 minute jog, 6 min MRP, 4 minute jog, 4 min MRP, 4 min jog, 6 min MRP. Felt great!

20 min 2000s Ride with Jess
I haven't had a chance to take many rides with Jess King yet, so I was happy to squeeze this one in after my run as a cool down. She is SO much fun and has the perfect kind of energy to start your day off. Plus, she played Ludacris which was the icing on the cake!

30 min SUP
It was too gorgeous out to stay home at lunch, so I headed to the park for a quick paddle. Dan and Selma came too- I tried to get Selma to join me but she kept jumping in and swimming back to Dan. Oh well... they ended up going for a walk and I paddled alone! So perfect out!!


10 min Standing Yoga with Ross
I had a busy day at work, so it felt nice to do a quick standing yoga class to shake things out a bit, especially after a busy day yesterday.


15.25 mile Bike
Dan and I headed up to Moraine for some more biking and water fun. Even though it was the weekend, the bike trail wasn't too busy at all. It felt great to do a long bike ride- it's been a bit since we went for an outdoor ride, and the weather was gorgeous.

1.5 hour SUP
After the ride, I relaxed out on the water. It was really busy out there- it looked like there was a sailing class going on, as well as some fishermen, kayakers, and a few other SUPers. I took this super easy- paddled to a few coves and then laid down to rest and enjoy the weather. Perfect Saturday!


20 min Pelothon 2020 Classical Run with Becs
Morning run with Selma along to beautiful classical music. This was a fun workout!

20 min Classical Yoga Flow with Denis
Apparently I was in a classical music mode, because I took this a little later in the day. Nice and easy class which focused on some leg stretches.


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