Womxn Run The Vote!

Is it just me or was this the longest week ever? I usually write down my workouts each day in a draft blog post, then write the intro at the end of the week. Now I'm looking back through my workouts and they all feel like they happened a month ago. I guess it was just one of those never-ending weeks for me- how about you? Have the days and weeks been going by quickly or slowly lately? 

One special and different thing that I did this week was taking part in a virtual relay race this week with Oiselle called "Womxn Run the Vote". Our team logged miles and minutes doing workouts to run virtually from Atlanta to Washington, DC (680 miles). The event raised money for Black Voters Matter and was a lot of fun and educational as well. Don't forget to vote- my mail-in ballot is on its way to me and I'll make sure to follow every rule to make sure my vote counts and you should too!

Here's a look at my week of workouts-


4 mile run

I met up with two friends for a run on the Harmony Trail because there were GOATS there to clean up the weeds! It was adorable- all of the goats had nametags on and there was also a donkey that was their "security guard". So cute! The run was fun too! (You can see the goats too- here's their schedule!)


10 min Climb Ride with Ally

30 min Live DJ Ride with Cody

Doubled up on my rides to cross these two types off my list for the month. I've taken climb rides before and I really like them- I'm actually thinking of trying the Haleakala Climb challenge next month (more to come on that!). The Live DJ ride was really fun too and I'll definitely take more in the future.


20 min Barre with Hannah (plus warmup and cooldown)

Got to try out the new barre classes on Peloton and they were great! I used to take barre in the studio so I know the general gist, but it was definitely different doing it at home. I'm not great at getting the perfect movement and usually get a lot of adjustments in class, so it's not as good a workout I'm sure, but still got my muscles working. Plus, it was fun to switch it up!


30 min Lil Wayne Bootcamp with Chase

I finally got to try out a bootcamp with outdoor running and it was great! I downloaded the class, and then headed out for a run when it was the tread portion of the class. I did have to keep an eye on the time to make sure I made it back in time for the strength (I just did an out and back route and turned at the halfway point). This was a fun class with a great playlist! I'll have to take more of these classes for sure.


10 min HIIT Cardio with Adrian

This was a really fun (and quick) class to cross of cardio from my list. It seemed more like a strength class- there were a lot of pushups and lunges- but some cardio moves in there as well. I liked the set up of class a lot too- there were four different moves that we did for the entire class- six reps of each- with a short rest after the fourth move. Made class go by super quickly but I got a great workout.


4 mile run/walk

I wanted to show Dan the trail that I hit up on Monday, so we took Selma and ended up running and walking all over the place! There are a lot of connections from the trail, so we just explored a bit and had a good time.

30 min Intervals and Arms Ride with Cody

I think that Intervals and Arms are my favorite type of workout, because you're always moving on to a different section of the workout and time flies by. This class had a great playlist with lots of Britney and Whitney and had multiple short arm sections which was fun!


20 min FTP Test Ride with Denis

Can you tell that I procrastinated my goal for the month, because I did another ride and crossed off another ride type today! This was a fun power zone class, which is a feature you can use for personalized training if you have a Peloton bike. For me, I just tried to make the ride harder and harder as time went on. The music was excellent- kept building up and up until the end of class. I liked this a lot!

20 min Restorative Yoga with Chelsea

Ended the week with a relaxing class and a glass of wine- no Sunday Scaries here!


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