Little Surprises

Good morning everyone! I'm feeling very festive today- I took a bunch of holiday classes this week and also baked a bunch of holiday treats this weekend. Dan also surprised me with a live (virtual) concert and sushi over the weekend- it was a beautiful show (this one if you're interested in watching as well!) and nice to have something special to look forward to. I hope you're all finding little ways to find joy this season!

Here's a look at all my workouts this week, both the festive and regular!


30 min Holiday Yoga with Aditi

Such a fun and sweet class to kick off the week! There were lots of backbends in this and it was just challenging enough to keep it interesting without being too difficult. Really fun and I also loved the cheerful music.

60 min Pop Bike Bootcamp with Jess

This was probably my favorite workout that I've done with Peloton (almost 600 workouts in!). Even though this was tough, the strength moves were so unique- challenging but almost fun- and the songs kept my energy up the entire time. I pushed really hard during this but wanted to keep going by the time it was over! I also really like some of the mantras Jess was sharing during class, my favorite being "Everything doesn't happen for a reason- it happens for an opportunity."


30 min Intervals Run with Rebecca

I went out at lunch time for this quick run and it felt really good. There were three sections of intervals- 6x30 second, 5x60 second, and 4x90 second. Time went by really quickly and the music was fun as well.


20 min Holiday Ride with Kendall

I wanted to get in a quick ride before the live Nicki Minaj ride, and this one looked fun from earlier this week. There was a mix of recent holiday songs with oldies, and it was so much fun. Perfect warmup for the main event!

30 min Nicki Minaj Ride with Ally

This was SUCH a fun class. Ally isn't always my favorite instructor, but this class was incredible. The songs were of course on point, but I loved Ally's energy and cues during this. I felt energized the entire time even though I was pushing myself so hard. She also had a great message the entire time that we are enough and we are perfect as we are. I'm probably not alone in feeling a little less than my best during quarantine, so this really helped me change my mindset and feel more positive about myself. If you're looking for a good pick me up ride this is the one (plus- she has the clean versions of all the songs if you want to do this around kids).


30 min Holiday Ride with Denis

By now I've been doing a lot of holiday classes, and am starting to hear a lot of the same songs over and over (which is fine because they're all fun songs) but it was nice to take this class that had some lesser played songs. Lots of oldies/goodies like Paul Mccartney, Tom Petty, Earth Wind and Fire, etc. 

30 min Full Body Strength with Matty

Matty always goes over the top for holidays, and today's workout was no exception! All of the moves were holiday themed and Matty was dressed up super cute. This was a nice workout but mostly all core (which I'm not complaining about).


30 min Holiday Broadway Yoga Flow with Ross

Lately I've been waking up so sore and stiff, so I decided to take this live class in the morning. I definitely did not feel flexible at all but just took this at my own pace. I liked all of the music- holiday songs by people who have been on Broadway! Super interesting theme and fun class.

3 mile Hike

I had a vacation day scheduled for today and ended up super lucky because it was a gorgeous day out! Dan, Selma and I headed up to Moraine to go for a hike and it was so beautiful and peaceful up there. 


30 min Holiday Run with Jess King

Started the day with this fun run! The theme was caroling around your neighborhood with some sing-alongs, and I had to comply! This was so great and I was smiling and having a blast the entire time.

10 min Yoga Flow with Denis

Dan actually wanted to do yoga with me, so we did this beginner class! It had lots of nice stretches and was just the perfect quick class.

2 mile walk

Dan and I took a walk around our neighborhood once it was dark to see all of the Christmas lights. It was so much fun and I loved seeing all the lights- highly suggest you taking one as well (we also had some drinks in thermoses which made it even more fun!)


45 min Pentatonix Ride with Christine

One of my favorite groups of all time is Pentatonix- an acapella group who got their start on the competition The Sing Off! I was singing along with this entire class- such a good mixture of Christmas songs and their regular ones. I also love how Christine just lets the music play so we can enjoy it and doesn't talk over it the whole time. Perfect mix!

30 min Core Bike Bootcamp with Tunde

Got in my second bootcamp for the week with this fun class. It was my first one with Tunde and was a great workout! She somehow made the core section fun and go by quickly. Really good class.

30 min All for One Flow

As usual, I ended the week with a yoga flow. This was the "all for one" class from 2019 that featured all of the yoga teachers and was really fun! It was a pretty basic class which is just what I was craving.


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