Day in the Life : Quarantine 2

Good morning everyone! Today I'm going to be sharing a Day in My Life- Back in Lockdown. I shared one of these back in July and thought it would be interesting to see how things have changed since then. In some ways it has (I sleep in a lot more now) and in other ways it hasn't (I'm still not seeing people in person). This Day in the Life is from Friday and was a little more on the exciting side because I left the house! Hope you enjoy!

7:30 - Wake up, take Selma out and feed her, and log in to work. My meetings start at 8, so I like to log in right before that to check emails and get everything in order.

9:00 - Made a latte to start the day! Usually I can't eat too much in the morning, and today I had a quick workout in the morning so I really didn't want to eat. Instead, I made an oat milk latte with two shots of espresso. I also added some vanilla bean paste to my oat milk in the frother to add a little flavor and it was delicious.

9:45 - Finished my workout (Flash 15 with Jess Sims- such a great and quick way to start off my Friday). Made some oatmeal and poured a glass of water. Lately I've been squeezing in half a lemon or lime and adding a tablespoon of chia seeds- looks kind of gross but makes it taste really good! For the oatmeal, I made Can't Beet Chocolate by Picky Bar (everything from this brand is amazing, and it was started by elite runners and triathletes!) and added in bee pollen and some Drizzle.

11:30 - Quick break from work so I took Selma for our daily walk. It's a little chilly but clear out, so I can't complain. When I got home I wanted a little snack but wasn't hungry enough for a meal, so I grabbed a little bowl of BBQ chips and some more water.

2:30 - Meetings are done for the day so I finally have some time to do actual work. I also am finally hungry enough for lunch, so I reheat last night's dinner leftovers. I made Korean Vegetarian Beef which was SO good. I followed the recipe for the most part but cut half of the brown sugar, used Trader Joes vegan ground beef and added in mushrooms, peppers, and steamed kale. It was delicious!! 

As a side note- I've noticed that while I've been staying home my eating has been all over the place. I'm trying to eat based on my body cues and "eat intuitively", so sometimes that means eating early and often, and other times that means having a late breakfast and skipping lunch. Since I have access to my kitchen 24/7 and don't have to worry about packing a lunch, this has really influenced my eating! Back in the office, I remember I would always have a breakfast before leaving and then would be starving by 11:00, then hungry again before leaving for the day, and that's really changed now that I can grab a snack anytime I need something. Has anyone else noticed that?

3:45 - The sun is shining so I decided to get in a few more miles outside. I head to the park which is blissfully empty with the low temperature and do about 4 miles- 20 min of a hip hop run and 20 min of Miley Cyrus's Artist Series!

4:30 - On the way home I stop to fill up the gas, and I get an alert that the paint I ordered for our basement is ready for pickup from Sherwin Williams so I swing by to get it. I love how now pretty much every shop has online ordering and curb-side's so convenient and it helps me from impulse purchases.

5:00 - I get home just in time for Robin's Year of Yes ride, so I quickly make a smoothie (1 cup oat milk, 1 frozen banana, 1 frozen beet, 1 scoop protein powder and a big tablespoon of peanut butter) and take the ride to shake out my legs. Lately I've been taking a ride 5-7 days a week and it's crazy how much it helps my legs not get sore. I used to ride once or twice a week and I would always feel so stiff and sore after a workout day, but now I feel amazing and I think a lot of that has to do with taking easy spin classes as a recovery!

5:30 - The ride is amazing with a great playlist, but now I'm beat. I decide to take a bath to chill out after a long and stressful week. As the water fills up, I put some potatoes in the oven for dinner and pour some wine! I also read a few chapters of The Last Flight while I relax in the bubbles. After I get out I check on any work emails that came in and finish out some last minute requests for the week. (This is another big change in my life from working in the office- I used to log in at 7 and log off at 4 and never really worked outside of that. Now, I'm on when I have meetings but besides that it's pretty flexible what hours I work as long as I get everything done! Some days that means staying on late and logging on during the weekend, other times it means I can go to the store at 10AM and beat the rush. Very thankful for this setup). WEEKEND TIME!!

6:30 - Dinner is ready and I feel soooo relaxed. To the baked potatoes I pretty much add anything from the fridge that I can find that's going bad- kale, salsa, peppers, and the last bit of Korean Vegetarian Beef. I finish up the wine and also fill up another water, and watching Schitt's Creek while I eat (not the healthiest habit, but oh well).

7:30 - Finished our dinner and with season 5..not my favorite season finale, and I'm also really sad we're starting the final season. Dan and I decide to start a puzzle that we just got! We're a little bit late to the quarantine craze, but we finally gave in. We're starting relatively easy with a 500 piece beach scene. In the background I put on a fireplace station to make it feel more cozy. We also share some Valentines Candy that we picked up at the same time as the puzzle.

8:30 - I'm basically a stereotype right now because I'm making sourdough bread- but this craze I started when the lockdown first started and my friend gave me her sourdough starter. Ever since then, I've been making either a loaf of bread or pizza dough pretty much every week. It's been a really fun tradition and gives me something to look forward to every week! I start it at 8:30 and then fold it every half hour until about 10:30. While I'm waiting in between folds I finish up the dishes from dinner, make some tea, each more chips, and listen to a running podcast.

10:30 - Last fold is done so I put it in the fridge overnight. Get ready for bed, read a little more of my book and try to get a good night of sleep.

How has your daily life changed (besides the obvious)?


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