The Calm

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week and weekend. This was kind of a chill week for me but I have some fun coming up soon that I can't wait to share. For now, I enjoyed some sunshine, some cooler weather, and lots of fun outside.  Here's what my week of workouts looked like-


Yoga with Jonelle (Apple Fitness +)

This week a new yoga instructor started at Apple Fitness + and I was really excited to try her out! This was just a quick 10 minute class but I liked her style a lot. Today was the same flow the entire time, but adding on new moves every time we did it. It could have gotten repetitive but I enjoyed it.

Time to Walk with Jane Fonda (AF+)

New guided walk and I was happy that it was a shorter one- most of them are over 40 minutes which I can't really take during my lunch break, so I was happy to see a 30 minute one! I liked hearing Jane's stories and about all of her climate change work.

2 hour Kayak

Today was the last nice day for a bit, so Dan and I headed to the lake to kayak. This was my first time getting out my kayak this year and it was great. We spent a lot of time paddling around and enjoying the sunshine.


10 min Focus Flow: Floor Poses with Ross (P)

I haven't done any of these focus flow classes before- I couldn't really tell a difference between this and a regular class but that might be because it was just floor poses. They also have these for specific moves (like downward dog, chatarunga, etc). This class was fine though!

20 min Rock Run with Becs (P)

This was a great playlist- lots of 90's and 2000's punk rock. I ended up running a little extra and my legs felt really good. When I got home I did a 5 minute core on Apple Fitness+ and a lower body stretch.

Dance with LaShawn (AF+)

Post-work dance party was much needed today. Lots of really fun songs and the moves weren't too difficult either. I love LaShawn's classes!


30 min Morning Yoga with Chelsea (P)

I was so happy to see a live morning yoga class today because I hit my 150th class! Sadly I didn't get a shoutout, but it was nice to take a longer class since I typically do a 5-15 minute one before work. This was a really good flow with some breathwork, balance, stretches, and more!

30 min Verzuz Ride with Jess King (P)

This was probably one of my favorite classes that I've taken recently- the second Verzuz battle was between the people who started the platform, Swizz Beats and Timbaland! Today's class was on the 1 year anniversary of the first battle, and the playlist was SO good. I had a blast during this ride! 


4 mile Trail Run

Happy Earth Day! Of course I had to do this run on the trails, and listened to Selena's Earth Day run from last year. It was pretty chilly and windy out, but luckily on the trails I didn't get any wind at all and could just enjoy the scenery.


10 min Focus Flow: Hips with Kristin (P)

I missed yoga yesterday because I slept in after having an awful night of sleep, so this was much needed. A friend recommended this class and I really liked it. Lots of moves to stretch out the legs and hips. Dan thought it had too many moves but I loved it.

10 min Yoga Flow with Mariana (P)

One of my  meetings got cancelled, so I used that time to take a live class with the newest Peloton instructor! Mariana is the first instructor to teach in Spanish, and even though I didn't catch everything I loved her energy and the class. I'm excited to work on my listening while I take these class..hope they add more to the lineup soon!


2.5 mile Run

Took a break from some outdoor projects for my run. Headed around the neighborhood and enjoyed a breezy day and a great Disco playlist from Becs!

20 min Restorative Yoga with Mariana (P)

I was so tired by the end of the day so I used this class to just relax and unwind from the week. Felt great, even if Dan thought it looked like I was sleeping instead of working out ;)


10 mile Bike

Woke up early to get in a fun bike ride along the river. We also stopped for breakfast at Farmer X Baker, the cutest mini restaurant (more like a shack with outdoor tables) and got their Veggie Beast. So fresh and delicious!

1.1 mile run

I was just under my running goal for the week, so I decided to run to a friend's house for a backyard bonfire. Super slow and easy but got the job done.


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