Up and Down

Happy Monday everyone! This week was all over the place for me- I was pretty sick at the start of the week, but then felt great at the end and took advantage of a perfect weekend. It was really fun and I'm hoping this week to get in more consistency again!  Here's what the week looked like - 


Sick Day :(

Woke up with an awful stomach bug so I maybe walked 100 feet all day. Definitely no exercise happened!


10 min Yoga with Dustin (Apple Fitness +)

Woke up feeling much better but super weak, so I took a slow and easy yoga class to get my body ready for work.

Time to Walk with Min Jin Lee (AF+)

It was an absolutely gorgeous day out so I took Selma for a walk at lunchtime. We went really slowly but it felt great to be outside! Min Jin Lee is an author and I loved hearing her stories about growing up, coming to America and not being able to speak any English but becoming a huge success.

30 min Pop Ride with Cody (Peloton)

Ended the day with an easy ride. Didn't push at all but enjoyed the entertainment from Cody!


10 min Yoga Flow with Ross (P)

Pretty good class this morning that focused on Sun Salutations. Ross isn't my favorite yoga instructor but Dan hasn't tried him out yet so I decided to give him a go this morning. It was fine, but his classes always feel disorganized to me for some reason.

20 min Reflection Ride with Christine (P)

I was able to sneak in this short ride before my meetings started for the day. I was happy that this ride focused on taking it slow and listening to your body! I love Christine and think this series is going to be one of my favorites.

20 min Walk + Run with Rebecca (P)

Tested how I felt with a really easy walk + run. It was really warm out when I ran so I definitely didn't feel great, but I made it through the workout and was happy to be outside - just look at those gorgeous trees <3


20 min Restorative Yoga with Aditi (P)

Wanted to do something nice and gentle for my yoga today and this one fit the bill. I got to do it outside since it was warm out and I loved it!

Dance with Lashawn (AF+)

Felt like shaking it a bit so took this quick hip hop class with my favorite dance instructor. The moves were definitely fast but it was so much fun and easy to follow.


30 min Pop Punk Walk with Chase (P)

One of my friends suggested this walk so I took a long lunchtime walk with Selma. The playlist was so much fun and reminded me of music I used to love growing up!

10 min Chair Yoga with Denis

Mid-day yoga break. Felt so good and relaxing!


2 hour SUP

It was a beautiful morning, so we headed to the park for our first kayak/SUP of the year! There were lots of people out, and there was a polka band playing at the boathouse which was a fun surprise. We took it pretty easy but it was SO nice to be back on the water again- my happy place.


Adventure Day!

Dan and I woke up early in the morning to go on a fun adventure. We drove about an hour away to Emlenton and biked on the Allegheny River Trail. This trail goes all the way to Erie, but we rode about 6 miles along the river to Rockland Tunnel- about a 1/2 mile long tunnel that is completely pitch- black (kind of creepy!).

Once we made it through the tunnel we biked up a short and steep hill, then hiked a bit to see Freedom Falls! It rained the night before so these were super gorgeous- probably the best waterfall I've seen in Pennsylvania. It was amazing! After we were done looking at the falls, we retraced our steps and biked back. If you're in the area, this was a really fun morning- just make sure to bring a flashlight for the tunnel!


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