Running Around

Happy Monday everyone! I have an exciting few weeks- my mom was in town this week to visit, and then we headed to the beach to meet up with my sister. I still had lots of workouts that I squeezed in and some active time together. Here's what the week looked like-


30 min Walk + Run with Adrian

Lunch run around the lake and into some neighborhoods to explore a bit. It felt great to have a few walk breaks since it was pretty warm at lunch, and I really liked how this class was set up. There were longer running sections followed by short walks which is just what I like instead of a straight 50/50 split.


2 mile Hike

Dan and I met up with my mom at the Nature Park for a nice walk in the woods. It was pretty hot out and we had Selma, so I was trying to finish up quickly and get her back in the shade. Even though she loves being out in the heat and going on long walks, I get so nervous about her over heating and make sure she drinks lots of water the entire time we're out!


20 min Foundations of Movement with Anna

A new yoga program got added to Peloton so I decided to try it out. It's a beginner program that introduces yoga, but it's fun to have something structured to follow. I'm excited to see how it goes!

10 min AFO Warm Up Ride: Nas with Alex

I missed out on all of the live and encore All For One classes over the weekend, so I decided to take this one and then finished out a longer ride by watching Wimbledon just to get my legs moving a bit.

Lots of Walking!

I took my 4th of July floating holiday today to spend the afternoon up in Durham. We started out at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens (above) which are free to visit and absolutely beautiful. The gardens are gigantic with different types of flowers and plants and ponds all over the place. I need to come back because there are so many things we missed and I bet it looks beautiful in different seasons! 

We also walked through Duke's campus and around downtown Durham. Super fun day!


45 min Intervals Run with Becs

This was technically a run, but I took it on my bike in the morning. I hit my 150th run class and got a shoutout from Becs! The playlist wasn't the best for me- it was all techno remixes that sounded kind of old school- but it was first thing in the morning so I was half asleep anyway!

20 min Foundations of Movement with Kristin

Followed up the bike with a bit of yoga. This class was all about flexion and extension, so lots of cat/cow and lunges.

30 min Celine Dion Run with Matty

I wanted to get in an actual run today, but since we had a ton of rain (thanks Elsa!) I kept this inside on the treadmill. I had this class saved for so long and was so excited to finally take it! It did not disappoint and I loved it!


45 min Strength Stack

A few friends and I started a little accountability group to make sure we all do at least one strength a week, so this morning I made a little stack of classes - 5 minute warm up, 30 minute full body, 5 minute core, and a 5 minute meditation while I stretched at the end. The full body class was tough but I really liked the pace of class- didn't feel like we were moving too quickly or too slowly, it was just right. To finish out, I did my Yoga program class of the day.

2 mile Walk

At lunchtime we headed over to Bond Lake for a walk on the Lake Trail. It was raining a bunch the night before so the trail was a bit sloppy but it was really beautiful. Had lots of fun on the walk.


30 min 2010s Run with Adrian

I love my runs with Adrian, even when my hamstrings are dead from his strength class! Did this one first thing in the morning because I was heading to Myrtle Beach for the week. It was a perfect day, just a little humid but otherwise nice out. I made sure to do my yoga class after the run and then hit the road.


20 min HIIT Run with Robin

We're staying at my brother-in-law's family's condo while we're at the beach, so I did a quick loop around the neighborhood for my run in the morning. It was great and super flat, so I could really hit the intervals hard. Absolutely LOVED this playlist! Once again when I got back I did my yoga class, which was focused on one of my favorite moves- the twist.

We spent the rest of the morning at the beach which involved a lot of swimming in the ocean and chasing after my nephew who LOVES the water!


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