Highs of a Busy Week

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week and weekend. Mine were great and busy- we had our first friend visit and we had such a blast! I also had my first race since the pandemic started, so it was a very packed week. I got great feedback the last time I did a week of highlights so I thought I would make these more of a regular thing instead of just doing workout recaps! It also helps force me to do something fun everyday so this post isn't too boring.

Here's a look at how my week went!


Plans for the day (outside of work): I headed to Jordan Lake as soon as I was done with work. It's a huge lake with beaches, campgrounds, hiking trails and lots of boat docks, and is just down the road from me. I've been wanting to go, and luckily starting in September you can get in for free. I ended up doing a short trail run and then paddleboarding for a few hours. It was so beautiful and peaceful!

One thing that went unexpected: I put up our hummingbird feeder after finally getting an ant guard, and at one time we had three hummingbirds come to visit! They all came over to me too- I learned that hummingbirds are very inquisitive and like to investigate things so they like to fly over to you and make sure you're not a threat. So cool!

Best part of the day: Laying down on the paddleboard and letting the small waves gently rock the board. Very relaxing and my idea of bliss.

What I wore: Target smiley oversized shirt, black shorts

Best thing I ate: I made a really simple but delicious pasta for dinner- I sauteed some onions and artichoke hearts together then mixed in plain tomato sauce, and topped it with some leftover burrata. 


Plans for the day (outside of work)
: Spanish Conversation Meetup at a local coffee shop. I'm trying to make it here every Tuesday to keep practicing Spanish, and today's class was really great. There were 5 of us plus the instructor, and we just practiced regular, organic conversation. I also stopped at a nearby park for a walk before class and had a great stroll along a greenway.

One thing that went unexpected: I was driving home and the sunset was stunning- all of the clouds were lit up in pinks and oranges. I made Dan come out with me to the lake to check it out but by the time we got there all the colors were gone. I knew that I should have just stopped and enjoyed it- lesson learned.

Best part of the day: Before work, Dan and I went on a bike ride to Bond Park. I've been wanting to find a good route to get there and eventually make my way all the way to the Tobacco Trail, so I was excited to finally try it out.

What I wore: Fabletics black tank top, Athleta shorts (my new favorite shorts!)

Best thing I ate: Last week I ordered my first Marley Spoon box (one of those food delivery services) and made the final meal today- Salmon and mixed veggie grill with parsley oil and red pepper pesto. It wasn't my favorite of the box, but it was still delicious.


Plans for the day (outside of work)
: It's Wednesday which means...RUN CLUB! I ran with two friends which always helps the miles pass by so easily. After running I stayed at House of Hops for a few beers and chatted with everyone who showed up- pretty big crowd today!

One thing that went unexpected: I made a mid-day stop at Target and Lowes to pick up a new outdoor plant and pots for a few indoor plants, and found the most beautiful hanging basket. The plant is called purslane and it has the coolest looking stems and flowers. I've never heard of it or seen it before and now I'm obsessed.

Best part of the day: Spending time with my running friends and feeling like I'm finally part of a group here. Feels nice.

What I wore: Striped dress, comfy cardigan (both are very old from Stitchfix and basically feel like pajamas)

Best thing I ate: I don't usually eat breakfast, but this morning I was super hungry and made some oatmeal. I used "Can't Beet Chocolate" from Picky Bar and topped it with some strawberries and almond butter.


Plans for the day (outside of work)
: My friend Alexa came to visit for the weekend, so once she got here we headed to Mezeh to grab some food and took it to Southern Peak Brewery. It was a great night and when we got home we watched Big Brother and caught up.

One thing that went unexpected: When I was showing Alexa around, I felt such a sense of pride and happiness in our new home. Even though we rent, I just love how we were able to transform it into our own place and it made me happy to share it! It was the first time I really felt that (might be because everything was actually clean and it looked really nice and tidy for once).

Best part of the day: Catching up with a friend and showing her around our new city.

What I wore: Target jumpsuit, American Eagle vest

Best thing I ate: Mezeh is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to eat- you build your own bowl and can choose as many tasty toppings (Mediterranean-inspired) as you want! Everything is so fresh and delicious.


Plans for the day (outside of work)
: It was a full day of being tour guide. We started out with a bike ride on the White Oak Greenway (our favorite), then worked at Brew Coffee in Cary, followed by some beers at Bond Brothers and pastries at Annelore's German Bakery. For dinner we headed to downtown Apex to eat at Scratch, then had ice cream at Fresh.

One thing that went unexpected: The whole day was kind of random and making plans as we went along! Alexa also has a coworker who lives in Raleigh that joined us at coffee, which was really fun.

Best part of the day: The entire day was perfect! I love being out of the house and exploring new places and re-visiting favorites.

What I wore: White Madewell tee, Gap jeans

Best thing I ate: I got the harvest salad at Scratch and it was delightful- Red Wine Poached Asian Pears, Dried Cranberries, Roasted Pepitas, Candied Walnuts, Roasted Butternut Squash, Feta Fritters, and Artisan Field Greens Tossed in A Maple Pumpkin Vinaigrette. The dressing especially was delicious and unique.

How was your week?


  1. These are fun! I love seeing all the things you are doing. Your ability to go out at night after working all day is impressive. I always tell my coworkers that my brain dries up about 5 pm, so they really don't want me replying to emails after that! (I do, however, start reviewing emails at about 4 am, which is when I am exercising, so there's that...:>) Oh, and tell your friend Alexa that I am now following her blog - I am always looking for good vegan recipes!

    1. I think that working from home has made me way more social...even though I'm meeting with people all day I crave that face-to-face interaction! I definitely could not do that if I was waking up at 4 AM though...that's seriously impressive. And I'm so glad you've been reading Alexa's blog! Isn't she the best?? :)


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