Pumpkin Season

Good morning and happy Monday! Last week was so much fun and very busy- I feel like when I plan to do one of these posts it helps me do more interesting things that are outside of my regular routine. We had a fantastic week of weather- almost feeling like fall but still gloriously sunny and warm out. I love it! Here's a look at some highlights of the week-


Plans for the day (outside of work): Took a trip to the library and went for a little walk at lunchtime, then played some disc golf after work. I also had a quick video chat with friends to plan an upcoming trip before ending the night with Dancing with the Stars.

One thing that went unexpected: Our planning "meeting" was actually really productive! Usually they turn into just chatting and catching up, but we actually got a lot planned for our trip and I can't wait.

Best part of the day: The weather was absolutely ideal, so anytime I got to be outside was the best part.

What I wore: The most comfy outfit ever- gray cardigan, white tank, blue pants (technically pajamas but I think they look cute!)

Best thing I ate: An artichoke parmesan galette from Smitten Kitchen's cookbook. Surprisingly easy and fast to cook but so delicious.


Plans for the day (outside of work): North Carolina State Fair and a brewery stop on the way home. The fair was so much fun- I've never been to a big one like that before and it was amazing! We watched a few shows (log run and Cast in Bronze were my favorites), rode the ferris wheel and a flying ride, and wandered around for a few hours.

One thing that went unexpected: It was chilly when I woke up so I went for a run with long sleeves- finally starting to feel like fall!

Best part of the day: I loved being at the fair, and the fact that it was a gorgeous day out helped a ton!

What I wore: Jeans, flannel from Target

Best thing I ate: We went to Triangle Brewing Co, and they have a food truck kitchen that had some seriously amazing food. I got brussels sprouts and a salad and they were delicious.


Plans for the day (outside of work): I was supposed to have my first Book Club meeting but it got cancelled last minute, so I checked out Crowder County Park with Selma. I also had a great run at lunchtime.

One thing that went unexpected: Lately I haven't been home on Wednesdays so it was nice to be able to watch Survivor and Tough as Nails with Dan and just relax for the night.

Best part of the day: I loved visiting the park! I'm still trying to visit all of the ones in my area and this was on my list for a while.

What I wore: Athleta romper (just found it on ThredUP and used fabric dye to change it from light pink to green)

Best thing I ate: Probably a lame answer, but I made Kraft Mac n Cheese for lunch and it really hit the spot.


Plans for the day (outside of work): It was another beautiful day out, so I went for a bike ride and stopped at a pumpkin patch at lunch, then went paddleboarding after work. I also had a video chat with my family to plan for another trip!

One thing that went unexpected: Selma actually got on the paddleboard with me and didn't knock me off! We only paddled a little since the water was pretty choppy but it was so fun. 

Best part of the day: Being at the lake with perfect weather with basically no one around.

What I wore: Lululemon tank and leggings, long and cozy cardigan

Best thing I ate: Crab-stuffed tilapia that I got at the store a few days ago, with some cole slaw and baked beans.


Plans for the day (outside of work): Early start to the day with a 4 mile run and sunrise yoga with my friend Erica at the art museum. We had the most incredible sunrise so the early wake up call (5 AM!) was worth it. I also planned a (virtual) work happy hour since I haven't seen or caught up with my coworkers in a while, and caught up on Great British Bake Off while baking this week's challenge.

One thing that went unexpected: Actually waking up on time? I've been so sleepy lately and have had a hard time waking up early, so I was shocked to actually get up early enough to run with Erica..and not be exhausted.

Best part of the day: Sunrise yoga! One of the highlights of my week whenever I can make it.

What I wore: Lightweight sweater and white jeans (a little risky since I was baking with a lot of chocolate but they stayed clean).

Best thing I ate: I made a quick fried rice with some random things in the fridge but it tasted SO good. Not sure I could even replicate it if I tried but it was so tasty.


  1. Would you believe my daughter's Halloween costume this year...is a box of Kraft Macn' Cheese. She doesn't get it often, but it's her favourite. The costume is looking pretty amazing...we painted toilet paper rolls yellow for the noodles, and have wired on a giant BBQ fork. I'm really excited for her to go out. This is our first real homemade costume (she's almost 11) and I think we nailed it! Three cheers for Kraft Dinner (what we call it in Canada).

    1. That's such a clever idea!! I hope you'll share pictures of it because that sounds amazing. Enjoy Trick or Treating!!


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