Hot and Cold

Happy Monday and welcome back to another week of training! This was a really great week with my first test race and some crazy weather changes. One day was snowing and other days I was in shorts- it was insane! During the week I also kept up my 30 days of yoga challenge, and started a new program in Peloton. Here's how the week went-


3 mile Run + Yoga

Today's run was very special, because it was my first snow in North Carolina! We had a pretty big snow flurry around lunchtime, so I was excited to get out and run in it. It was pretty windy but not too cold so I enjoyed the run a lot! I also did day 2 of 30 Days of Yoga in the morning with Dan.


4 mile Run + Yoga

No snow today, and we had bright blue skies again. It was a tiny bit chilly, but once I started to run I warmed up immediately. This run felt so good and was a great mid-day workout! My day was filled with meetings so it felt so good to get outside and clear my mind a bit.


3.2 mile Run + Yoga

Fun run with my Run Club crew! I usually go with a few friends before the official start, but we joined the entire group today and it was great. I felt amazing on this run, like I could run for hours. The weather was perfect as well. 


35 min Tempo Run + Yoga

Kaile and I met up on the White Oak Creek greenway for weekly speed work. Today the plan was 10 minute warmup, 15 minutes at tempo pace and 10 minute cool down. My plan for the tempo was to gradually increase my speed until I hit around 8:00 pace. We ended up going way faster and my average was a 7:56! I honestly felt like I could have gone even faster and thought that we were going a lot slower than that, so I'm thrilled with that time. I did my yoga later in the day which definitely helped me stretch out some more.


Rest Day! Yoga + Core

It felt so nice to have a rest day from running! I was also excited to see the new Crush Your Core program launched today on Peloton- I did the first one last year and really liked it. Today was day 1 and was a nice intro. I followed it up with my yoga of the day and felt great.


ParkRun + Yoga + Core

This week my plan had me doing a 5k race to test out my race pace, and I decided to check out the Durham ParkRun. It was only a half hour away from me, and I got two friends to join me! They were nice enough to pace me to an 8:00ish average pace, plus a mile warm up and 2 mile cool down. It was a chilly race but very fun and definitely made me feel like I'm on the right path with my training.


3.7 mile Run + Yoga

I got to join up with my run club friends for a second time this week for a friend's birthday! He turned 37, so we all did a group run to do 3.7 miles together and hung out afterwards. It was so much nicer out than yesterday and I was actually sweating by the end. At the end of the day I did my daily yoga, which was a nice and relaxing restorative class. Great end to the week.


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