Fun with Friends

Race day is just around the corner, and this was another solid week of training! I can't believe how quickly the race is coming up, which I feel like always happens to me. I'm still feeling great though and my week was full of fun runs with friends. Here's how it went-


3 mile Run + Yoga + Core

Had a later run than usual because I was going with some friends! We met up at Bottle Theory in Apex and ran along the White Oak Creek Greenway. The highlight was our Girl Scout cookie and beer pairing, which was perfect after a run. 


5 mile Run + Yoga

Early morning run with Erica! I tried drinking Ucan before the run as a pre-workout and it worked so well. I didn't have any bananas on hand so this was all I had before running and my stomach felt great the entire run and I felt energetic too! Very happy with that and enjoyed this easy run with a friend. When I got home I finished my final day of 30 Days of Yoga!


3.2 mile Run + Yoga + Core

Run club! Fun and easy run with my running buddies on a beautiful night! I'm so happy that it's staying lighter out longer- I only needed a headlamp for the final mile of this run which was great. I also did some yoga earlier in the day because apparently the 30 day challenge made me want even more yoga.


45:00 Tempo + Core

I did my speed work today during my lunch since it was a pretty busy day, and it was so tough! We had a little bit of a heat wave and it was super humid out, so this entire run was a struggle. I pushed myself though and ended up having a decent run! My watch wasn't working right so I did this all by feel and effort instead of by pace and ended up getting in just over 5 miles (according to the route I mapped out). When I got home I did my final workout of Crush your Core 2.


Rest Day!
Easy day today- just took Selma for a walk and did an easy ride after work. I think I needed it after my workout yesterday.


9 miles

Great long run today! I started out at Bond Park and did 2 miles on the Black Creek Greenway, then met up with my friend Tiffany for the next 7 miles on the White Oak Creek Greenway. I felt super sore and sluggish at first, but that went away quickly and our miles got faster as we went on. It was so great to have a friend for the long run and I enjoyed it a lot!


Rest Day!
Another easy day of rest today with just a fun ride (I did the Jess Sims / Adrian Black History Month run on the bike which was great!) and a long stretch. I actually felt great today after my long run which is a good sign.


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