
It's been a while since I've done a "Currently" post, and I just saw that San posted one and thought it would be fun to post my answers! Here's some new things going on for me-

CELEBRATING | Dan's new job! He started working at a robotics company this week, and we went out to dinner at Vivace, a great Italian restaurant in the North Hills. It was delicious!

TRYING TO | spend as much time as possible outside, and train hard for my upcoming race. I haven't done a 10 miler in so long and it's one of my favorite distances so I can't wait to see how it goes.

FEELING | overwhelmed by all the changes going on in my life right now, but also like I have no place to complain with everything going on in the world. 

PLEDGING | my monthly charity to a cause helping Ukraine. My work is doing a special match for donations made to support Ukrainians so I wanted to make sure I could make as big of an impact as I could.

LOVING | the weather lately- it's been in the 70s and sunny all week. I could live in this weather year-round and be happy.

EXCITED | about a trip coming up with my family! It should be really fun and I'm excited to see everyone.

READING | The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller- my latest book club selection. We're meeting in two days and I have about 100 pages to go but it's so good I think I'll finish today.

EATING | a lot of Korean food! I've been loving shopping at H Mart lately, and have been borrowing books from the library to help me cook these new foods. I loved the Korean Vegan cookbook, and now I'm going through Maangchi's Big Book of Korean Cooking. I've really enjoyed trying new things!

MAKING | some new paintings- I'm experimenting with a looser style and it's been really fun!

DRINKING | a lot of tea lately. Right now I'm having some ginger lemon tea. I also just picked up some pink matcha from Arteao that I'm so excited to try out.

ENJOYING | the start of the Formula One season! Last week's race was SO GOOD. The ending...shocking (but as a Lewis fan I was so so so happy). If you're also a fan let's talk!

WEARING | a few new spring pieces that I bought this year! It's been a while since I've gotten fun clothes instead of workout gear. My favorite is this dress from Madewell- it's so soft and comfortable, doesn't wrinkle, and has pockets :) 

WORKING ON | my tan (just kidding). But seriously- I noticed this year that I never lost my watch tan line like I usually do in the winter!


  1. Yay, I love "Currently" post. They give a nice glimpse into each others' lives! I drink a lot of lemon ginger tea. It's so good (for you!).
    Can you believe I've never done a 10-miler? I haven't put any races on my calendar yet (I am still hesitant), but I think I need a training goal sometime soon.

    1. You should try one when you're ready to race again! They're so much fun and less stressful than a half marathon.

  2. Wonderful news about the job - but hope the changes and chaos of life calm down a bit. And, again, I am envious of your weather. Living vicariously up here... :)

    1. We're just getting started...more changes coming soon :)

  3. Congrats to Dan for landing a new job! A lot of changes going on right now indeed but we're still here. Still standing. Still blessed. :)

    I love books that are so good I can devour them in a day. I'm also doing a book challenge for myself. Lol I might check this out. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks Lux!! Still standing is always the goal :) We'll make it through and good luck with your changes as well!


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