A Week in the Life- Moving Edition

Good morning and happy Monday everyone! Today I wanted to get back to one of my favorite kinds of posts- a week in the life. This one was special because it was actually our first week of living in our new house! Our furniture got moved in last weekend, and this week has been a blur! Most of it was dedicated to getting everything set up, shopping, and moving over a few last items. Here are some highlights of the week- Monday Plans for the day (outside of work): Morning walk and yoga, lunch bike ride, run after work, and a monthly Zoom catch up with Alexa . One thing that went unexpected: I found a new bike route to one of my favorite local parks (Bond Park) and now it's only an easy 4 miles away. It's been so fun exploring! Best part of the day: Finished my latest book (The Violin Conspiracy) and it's SO good. One of my favorites that I've read recently and it was satisfying up to the very last page! Best thing I ate: A cheese plate for dinner. Always my favorite snack...